various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Woodzun )

I’ve actually seen them defend the Chinese lol. They just hate White people.

We should have kept Africa.

( @travisrock99 )
@Woodzun @Nature_and_Race Do the Africans know the difference between whites and jews?

( @Woodzun )
@travisrock99 @Nature_and_Race

Lol. No. Most White people don’t either.

Even the blacks who understand the JQ still just think that jews are “fake White jews”.

They’re dumb.

( @MrTurnerDiary )
@Woodzun that nigger basketball player who they worship and he appears to be their spokesperson loves the Chinese. Niggers hate whites and will defend and support all other races in spite of us. Demographics is destiny. @Nature_and_Race

( @MrTurnerDiary )
@Nature_and_Race I don’t care, I hope I live to see the day when they are all deported back to Africa. The Chinese can have them.

( @auroch37 )
@Nature_and_Race If their jew handlers don't tell them to bitch about China, they don't bitch about China.

( @Maldrannon )
@Nature_and_Race Because the niggers bitching about Whites in White Countries never actually had anything to do with justice, or even with their people or some lofty "fight" for their kind.

It was never anything to the average nigger than a politically opportunistic method of parasitism off of racially pride-stricken Whites who had foolishly accepted the notion of parity with their inferiors.

It was for what the nigger could get out of that racial guilt at any given moment.

And they got A LOT out of it.

Fast tracking for employment, priority in Unis and across practically every position of value, even White women who are happy to throw themselves at a nigger dick to show they are "open minded and progressive".

How I despise it all.

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@Nature_and_Race If the jews and their allies succeed in their plans including the genocide of the White race, morality on earth will take a nose dive and the world will become an unrecognizable hell hole with open slavery on every continent as a norm and negroes, for the most part, will be literally back in chains.

( @MisterS )
@Nature_and_Race Black negroes want nothing to do with Africa now. You could literally torch the place to the ground, and the blacks here could care less unless it was white people doing it and they could get some more "free gibs" out of it.



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