Joeric #racist
RE: Man Allegedly Decapitated Landlord With Samurai Sword over Rent Dispute
Black-on-white crime with an Oriental twist.
In the vehicle’s glove compartment, cops found paperwork suggesting that he considered himself a sovereign citizen and not subject to the law.
What is a sovereign citizen?
Also, the orientals should sue this negro for appropriating oriental culture and ways of killing. Do the amreners here who worship orientals agree? You know who you are.
Blacks are being fed this "sovereign citizen" lie, even to the point of saying that each black man is "his own god."
This murder is a fruit of that brainwashing.
Who is doing this nonsense? Those who tell blacks that, have the blood of this white man on their hands. Even though I think that white guy is a liberal, he still did not deserve to be beheaded.
Do you believe that this man was told he was his own god? If so, why do you believe it?
Because most blacks are incapable of thinking and have to be told that.
The only examples of the sovereign citizen movement I have heard have been lunatics trying to claim they were only accountable to common law because of unconstitutional actions taken by the government. 90+% percent of them are trying to get out of paying taxes. A few of the militia groups tried to use this tactic.
So, basically they are asking for what foreign diplomats call diplomatic immunity. If that is the case, then they are NOT US citizens and they should be deported to Africa.