various commenters #wingnut #racist
Another day... another story you won't hear about in the national press.
Because the victim, 36-year-old school teacher Paul Billion of Sioux Falls, SD, was White - and his murderers are Black.
'But why do you have to make it about race?'
Because it is about race.
Because it's always about race.
Because race is what determines if we do or don't hear about it.
Because if the Anti-White media could press a magical 'reverse the races' button to turn the story into:
'Beloved Black School Teacher Ruthlessly Murdered In His Home By Bloodthirsty White Savages...'
It would be all you'd hear about in the national press...
And from the White House...
And from the FBI...
And from the DOJ...
And from the Democrats...
And from the Republicans...
And from the SPLC...
And from the ADL...
And from every other entity that exists to combat the existence of White people in America.
But instead - we hear nothing.
Because it's just another dead White guy.
So, through its silence, the system approves of Black-on-White murder while it tirelessly polices for the next instance of White-on-Black mean-words-on-the-internet so they can put another notch in the 'hate crime database' and concoct yet more Anti-White outrage over yet another non-event.
( @CriticalMemeTheory )
@KeepNHGranite with names like "Gbo" and "Soteemon" I am sure these are African "refugees" put in America for this exact purpose.
( @Stanleymitchell90 )
@CriticalMemeTheory @KeepNHGranite Conservatives love to tell us the immigrants from Africa are different than our local blacks and way better.
( @Rexkwon27 )
@Stanleymitchell90 @CriticalMemeTheory @KeepNHGranite Many of the legal immigrants are, the “refugees” on the other hand seem to be very dangerous. Either way we need to prosecute these traitors in congress and secure the borders, legal immigration is only a slower less destabilizing way of committing genocide than the refugee tidal waves.
( @MrsMP )
Obama flooded Kingman Arizona with Somalians.
They fled to Minnesota.
They were flooding it with various niggers when I left last year.
@CriticalMemeTheory @KeepNHGranite