Russell Brand #pratt #wingnut

Rising authoritarianism has led to war. Luckily, that friend of democracy Justin Trudeau is here to help save.

Justin Trudeau, your friend and mine who says that the rise of authoritarianism has led to a "slippage" in democratic values, he says this without any hint of irony after the authoritarianism in Canada used against truckers protesters, bank accounts, fundraising sites, it's unbelievable.

Justin Trudeau lost his authority to comment on issues like this when he treated the truckers in the manner that he did. When they introduced emergency powers and then did not revoke them, that gave him the ability to freeze people's bank accounts, that is an assault on democracy. There's no question that Russia's actions in Ukraine are deplorable, but what right do you have to offer that critique when you are no real friend of democracy when it don't suit you?

We see a bit of a slippage, a bit of a slippage in our democracies.

You want to watch your own slippages mate. Countries turning towards slightly more authoritarian leaders? Yeah I feel like I saw a bit of authoritarianism in Canada, when truckers had pepper spray used against them, when bank accounts were frozen, when GoFundMe sites were shut down.

misinformation and disinformation to be shared on social media

What about at the beginning of the truck protest, when he outright said they're racists, they're misogynists, is that not misinformation? Turning people against the values and the principles of democracies, that are so strong, oh, unless it's inconvenient, then they're meaningless.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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