Organizations like the ACLU and atheists have worked so hard to make sure everything has to be politically correct, but that isn't an issue to be opposed, a vocal in your opposition, to Christians. This, to the point that we are almost scared to state our Christian views.
The Bible says that Christians will be persecuted, and we are. But we need to be bold in defending our position. After all, The Lord is our leader and no one, not even Satan, can do anything to us with The Lord allowing it.
Another fucking whiner that has probably never felt the lash, spent time in a dank cell, or even had his ribs broken by a boot. Neither have I, but I don't internalize the misfortunes of others and try to call it empathy. So cut the fucking "we" shit and tell me how terrible your panhandling scam lifestyle really is. Atheists don't have a hive mind like you idiots try to create. I don't give one crap if you're politically correct or not, barf bag.
Edit: Yemeyahu, Angry Dybbuk. The best answer I ever heard was from an agnostic friend. He was an average Joe with occasional flashes of brilliance. His answer was, "Don't know, don't care." I do have a bit of a problem with the preachy types and Xenu, though.
There's no 'probably' about it, breakerslion: He has never been beaten, terrorised, humiliated, denied basics, or even lived without his television for being Christian.
Had he, he'd have no problem telling an atheist, 'Yeah, I believe in a god. What of it?'
Once someone has broken you down, or (god help you) you've done that to others, you no longer fears the opinions of others nearly as much...and the more time goes by, the less you'll care: 'Don't agree with my beliefs? Okay - but, sorry, I guess; I just don't give a damn what you believe.'
That's news to me, since far too many christian majini absolutely refuse to shut the fuck up about their jebus & how much they adore him. I assume you live in the US, as I do, Dave Bilby, & unfortunately, there is no place that hasn't been infected by the christian Mind Virus. Not one. You've been in control from the very beginning, & being forced to acknowledge other people's very existence as non-christians is so frightening for you that you delicate little snowflakes are melting, before the winter even starts. You bleating about persecution is among the stupidest fucking things I've ever seen or read in my entire 38 years.
You can have all your beliefs, unobstructed. That's the way it is in a free country. But what you haven't grasped is the limit of your influence. Religion is a choice, but you cannot choose that for other people, only for yourself.
Since when does "almost scared" mean "persecuted"?
A recent poll showing 45% of the southern white population say they're persecuted, it also briefly mentioned they feel it's their beliefs that are attacked. It didn't detail a very large part of that is their religious beliefs and how that is connected to their political beliefs and avoided the real fact that those beliefs are unjustifiably stupid.
These are the people complaining about others criticizing or making fun of their racism, Ayn Rand, money worshipping, loudmouth idolizing, anti-science and hoodoo magic beliefs. Somehow they got the idea freedom of speech and beliefs meant others had to respect or accept such shit. If you're being verbally abused for your preaching then you're preaching too much, how about NOT PESTERING people for a start.
"Politically Correct" used to be well-bred, courteous, polite and respectful.
If anything, you alt-rightists have been working hard to throw all politeness and polish out the window, making it OK to behave low-bred, uncouth, unrefined, crude and clownish.
Members of the largest religion on Earth, with 2,4 billion companions, are scared to state their religion, in case a small group of non-religious people, who generally don't care about other people's religiosity, would hear you? You must be very feeble and weak.
You can live as much a Christian life as you want to, I don't care. What you can NOT do is to force your religion onto others, push it into other people's lives. Then you are persecuting THEM. You are not being persecuted.
The Bible says that Christians will be persecuted, and we are.
Did you write that with your left hand, Davy-boy?
You have an officially recognized federal holiday of you own, churches on every street corner, large TV programming networks, a wealth of magazines and books, an overwhelming majority of members of Congress in both houses, and as many private elementary and secondary schools, colleges and tax free social service organizations that you could possibly want, and yet you are persecuted?
Organizations like the ACLU and atheists have worked so hard to make sure everything has to be politically correct,
Want to talk political correctness motherfucker? OK When non Christians put up displays they often are vandalized and torn down while Christians fucking screech and yell about it. So we have to be PC for your fucking sensibilities.
. This, to the point that we are almost scared to state our Christian views.
I dare you to go into some areas of the country and state you aren't a fucking Christian
The Bible says that Christians will be persecuted, and we are. But we need to be bold in defending our position. After all, The Lord is our leader and no one, not even Satan, can do anything to us with The Lord allowing it.
You are not persecuted. We are a secular nation. Not Christian. So no endorsement of religion. All religions or no religion. And the lord is allowing your persecution
The Bible says that Christians will be persecuted, so you should welcome it as part of your God's will. In fact, if you're not being persecuted, you're not living your life as God wants you to.
Organizations like the ACLU and atheists have worked so hard to make sure everything has to be politically correct
Via just a postal plebiscite, 61.6% of the Australian public only hours ago suggest otherwise.
If there's any 'Persecution', you Christains only bring it upon yourselves : via your being in a certain river in Egypt about Romans 13:1-5.
Your 'Lord' allows S-SM. Like I say: Romans 13:1-5. Someone's wrong.
Your 'Position'? After what happened in Holland in 2001, Britain in 2013, Ireland in 2015, a certain SCOTUS decision on 26th June: and now in Australia this year, you are forced to obey your 'Lord'. It is the only position allowed.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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