Well, as your 'Intelligent Designer' can't calculate Pi beyond 3, when the ancient Greeks were able to calculate Pi to 75 decimal places; and that was way before Christianity existed: and considering how Pi to just 39 decimal places describes a circle the size of our observable universe, that alone says so much of how his 'creation' had not only evolved, but even at that early stage in humanity's civilisation had become superior to your supposedly 'Omniscient' God.
Whilst on the subject of educational inferiority, here is an insect:
Count 'em, Collapsedarse.
If your answer is the only one possible, congratulations: you've admitted that the creation is superior to the creator. Also, how did those extra two legs appear post-creation?
Or did insects evolve to have six legs, thus proving that your Omniscient 'God' can't count beyond four?
That only possible answer - from your point of view - that is biased by fundie Christain indoctrination, a.k.a. 'Faith' (which sounds just like FAIL), also destroys your Cre(a)ti(o)nist argument, if those insects evolved those two extra legs: even post-'creation'. Ergo, gradual biological processes - i.e. Evolution - are not only proven fact, but also correct a so-called (un)'Intelligent Designer's mistakes and improves that inferior 'Designer's prototypes.
That's why you're not using a 386 DX CPU-based computer with 64K RAM, MS-DOS on two floppy discs, and 14K/sec dialup to come out with your BS, Collapsedarse: technology advances as human neurobiology evolves.
Meanwhile, just as the ancient Greeks calculated Pi to beyond 3: to 75 decimal places even then, Prof. Stephen Hawking can prove the existence of eleven dimensions. When your 'Intelligent Designer' - who can't count beyond four - stated in his 'Word' that the entire universe was a solid dome with lights in it, on a flat Earth with four corners, resting on pillars.
I'll give you a guess as to who proved that the Earth was spherical - again, way before Christianity existed - Collapsedarse. Or is the Jim Carrey film "The Truman Show" a documentary?
Soviet space science destroyed that part of your 'Word' - and therefore all of it - in 1957 with Sputnik-1. That's how we've evolved.
Because Dr. Buzz Aldrin would like a word with you about your 'God's Word: and he himself is a Conservative Christian who never doubted the veracity of the findings on what was referred to as the 'Genesis Rock' brought back by his Apollo astronaut colleagues in Apollo 15: which proved that the Moon is the exact same age as the Earth: 4.5 billion years.
Question: So why has he never said that the universe wasn't the result of a vast cosmic accident? He's certainly never questioned the facts of Evolution.
Give Dr. Aldrin just one good reason why he should? I refer you to his Doctorate he got whilst at MIT.
Also, Kitzmiller vs. Dover. Decided by Judge John E. Jones III: a Conservative Christian. NEXT!