various commenters #wingnut #transphobia

In my opinion,

California needs military intervention and occupation, for the sake of the children. Literally.

If there were any true Conservative states, I'd say it would be wholly justifiable for them to launch a special military operation into California to arrest Newsom and liberate the schools from these psychotic child rapists.

And drive all the illegal immigrants into the sea, or at least back south of the border.

Newsom Signs Bill Making California "Sanctuary State" For Children Seeking 'Gender Affirming' Surgery - Without Parental Consent

@Nature_and_Race What is scary is there seems to be no red line.. the commie psychopaths keep marching forward with more and more vile, degenerate madness with no opposition.

@Seashell25 @Nature_and_Race the red line is when you ppl finally use your guns instead of chatting
Clearly they know that’s never going to happen

@Nature_and_Race whoever is bringing the child to California without parental consent, is engaged in child abduction. Which I'm pretty sure it is a capital offense.

@Nature_and_Race CA is a lost state, there is nothing there worth saving. I should know, I grew up there and watch as the madness grew worse.

@DisplacedSailor @Nature_and_Race and no, voting won’t help as software is programmed by radical Marxists!

@Nature_and_Race The entire United States should be liberated! Liberated from International Financial Jewry!!!
Long way.
For this we need the big broom!



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