incinium z #transphobia #dunning-kruger
Not everything is trans or LGBT stuff, something we look into it far too deeply. Is mettaton transgender because of HIS new body? No, it's just an incorporeal being inhabiting a body. And Mad Mew Mew isn't looking for self acceptance, she's lookin' for a better body. And do you all want to know what I think? What I really think about all of this, even though everyone will hate me for it? You can't truly change your gender. It's born in you, and it's not gotten wrong, you all just let your feeling dictate everything, versus thinking and just being happy with who you are. If you're not, there's no need to change your body or identify as something you aren't, instead of forcing the change or creating a fake change, make it in yourself, change yourself internally. Work to be the kind of person you want to in live. Maybe then you'll find you've become happy with yourself. I can't covince any of you this, and you'll all call me a hateful bigot for daring to speak ill of the glorious and perfect trans community, but I have to say these things. Mad Mew Mew is only trans if you use the right lens, otherwise they're nothing there to say it. And you all have much, much bigger issues in life than worrying about gender, whether yours or not. If you dwell on these things, you'll be oblivious to actual issues in the world.