TN88 #homophobia #transphobia
At my school in a little white town in Tennessee, a school that has only 4 black kids in it, their is about 5 or 6 trannys. That's right their is more trannys at my school than blacks! Me along with others try to just ignore them, but they are the most annoying thing I have had to deal with in my entire life.
They just group up and be obnoxiously loud at anytime possible (In the mornings, cafeteria, hallways, etc.) Then when someone tells them to stfu or to quit blocking the hallways, they tell a teacher saying their being bullied for being trans.
They made a GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) club at my school last year, it's filled with every tranny at my school and I think 2 lesbians. Most homos at my school don't even want to be associated with them. It has caused alot of fuss from most of my classmates, people were tearing down filers for it, saying we needed our own club, etc. The principal even called it a distraction to the learning experince.
Do any of you have this problem at your school? image I want someone to relate to though I hope nobody else is going to a school like mine.