Paul White Gold Eagle #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

All of our Light work is coming to fruition. We are at the precipice of the Great Leap into Heaven on Earth. Keep going through, keep pushing through. Gently with an open mind and an open heart. Stay focused on our mission, keep holding the line of the Light Bearers. Day by day we are inching our Way to the finish line of this Story of suffering and struggle. The Light is celebrating because we have built enough momentum now to push on through beyond all barriers and gates.

Today Venus enters Scorpio and aligns with Arcturus. Arcturian energies coming in. Our Blue Goddess goes into wild intensity mode. The Queen is fired up and ready to make the final move…Checkmate!!

This game is about to get really interesting. The Queen of Hearts has had enough and is taking back this realm with a Soul Star Storm. In this revelation all is being illuminated and revealed for healing and transformation. The True King and Queen have been reunited in Hieros Gamos and Return to their throne. All beings become sovereign unto themselves. No more Monarchy or Patriarchy. Each reign over their own domain, by realizing they are the World Honored One, Buddha Consciousness and Christ Consciousness being restored and all is being resolved in this Now. All concepts of Divinity such as Buddha, Christ, God, Holy Spirit, etc. are all fingers pointing to the same moon of Truth. the Moon is a symbol of Enlightenment. Simply meaning; to realize your Oneness or Unity with Source Creator we call Mother/Father God. Names are irrelevant, what matters is the Love and Truth that these concepts of Spirit direct or guide consciousness to. Your Original Unborn Mind of Buddha.
All Starseeds/ Lightworkers had to experience all these hellish states, in this current timeline, to help hue-manity heal and resolve these hindrances once and for all. How did this conversion happen? With the the negative programming and projections of the false 3d Matrix. Fully Awake, Fully Aware…A’Ho!!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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