(in response to bacteria and microbial life evolving)
"Firstly, I don't consider mutations and adaptations in bacteria as "evolution" of any new species. they still carry essentially the same genetic code. In my view,(and I could be wrong), their genes are just slightly different, like the differences in breeds of dogs (which are also selectively bred (not evolved)."
In my view,(and I could be wrong), their genes are just slightly different, like the differences between humans and chimps ...
(and I could be wrong)
And you are.
So if dogs and bacteria are both selectively bred,
and if dogs are selected by man (ie, artificially)...
How are the bacteria selected?
Fundies each have their own definition of evolution that doesn't match the one used by science. This why you can prove evolution to them and it still won't be enough, you have to prove THEIR definition, which half of the time is impossible.
"In my view,(and I could be wrong)..."
You are. Rest assured, you are.
Bacteria =/= dogs
Bacteria = animals
So bacteria evolving into a new bacteria would be equivalent to your dog evolving into a crocodile, or at the very least, a moose.
Right, so if your dog's puppies suddenly gained the ability to eat, digest and live of grass, you wouldn't consider that evolution?
because that's what happened here.
"Firstly, I don't consider"
This is funny! This guy thinks that his own personal fancy, in the face of thousands of actual EXPERTS, is specially relevant. "I don't consider Mars a planet". "I don't consider logic 'true'". "I don't consider screaming 'Godidit' and running away, losing an argument".
Yes, and what happens when these mutations, adaptations, and selective breedings pile up? Where did dogs themselves come from? Arrrrruauauaggaaahhhahhgddsg!!
Urge to kill...rising...
they still carry essentially the same genetic code.
1) Every living creature on the planet carries "essentially the same genetic code". We share over 50% of the same DNA that are found in most insects, and something like 75+% with all mammals.
2) Bacteria are a KINGDOM, not a species. So, basically, saying that these are "still just bacteria" would be like saying, "Oh, so some dogs evolved wings? Whatever, they're still just animals, doesn't prove evolution!"
3) Selective breeding is a form of man-made evolution, and actually does a fairly good job of demonstrating how "real" evolution works.
With all due respect, your view doesn't matter. The concept of evolution is clearly defined and not subject to any one person's opinions.
That being said, your view is not compatible in any way with that clearly defined concept.
"when I use a word it means exactly what I want it to" (mis?)quote: Alice in Wonderland
Unless this prat uses the word "evolution" in the accepted sense, it is impossiblw to have a converstion about it
"(and I could be wrong)"
"they still carry essentially the same genetic code."
Yes. Every mutation is minor. They compound to create bigger change in future generations.
Welcome to evolution by natural selection.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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