If evolution is true and all you atheists are so smart than how come you couldn't stop 9/11?
If I eat Dorito's, then how come polar bears don't have three eyes?
Makes as much sense, doesn't it?
Because athiests CAUSED 9/11, as god obviously orchestrated it to punish the sinful, as crazies among both Islam and Christianity have agreed. How could an ungodly athiest stop god from fufilling his goals? And since atheists don't believe in god and god planned 9/11, atheists must not believe in 9/11 either! What demons!!!
In the words of the great Ed, 'If carrots are good for your eyes, can it dial a phone?'
Makes as much sense as your argument, though.
It wasn't the cause of religion, though, it was the government, so it has nothing to do with religion
For the same reasons that cause pumpkins to explode when you don't drink milk, or why trees shrink if you don't update your blog.
Makes perfect sense, huh?
I hate the Let's-See-Who-We-Can-Blame-9/11-On Game. At least this is better than the The-Bush-Administration-Planned-It and It's-God's-Punishment-For-America-Being-Too-Liberal-And-Having-Too-Many-Gay-People.
But it's still stupid.
It's not like atheists were exactly in charge of the government at the time. Actually, I'm reluctant to really blame the US government for 9/11, whatever mistakes were made (hindsight is always 20/20), regardless of their religion.
Atheists didn't stop 9/11 because we don't have don't have any sort of magical powers like mind-reading or predicting the future.
And could someone please tell what the hell 9/11 has to do with the theory of evolution?
I'm gonna say poe but WHAT THE HELL MAN? Your god is supposed to be omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and omnibenevolent, LET THAT GUY SORT IT OUT! He's qualified!
Obviously because us atheists conspired with the Jews, the darkies, and everyone else you don't like to be puppy-kicking evil for the sake of being puppy-kicking evil.
That way we could make the right look bad when it decided to go and bomb a far greater number of middle eastern civilians to oblivion.
I want to hear someone say this in a restaurant just once in my life so I can burst out laughing so hard I weep at a stranger who has no idea how to react.
A better question is if Dubya was the best president ever, and God Himself selected him as his personal agent of saving America, why didn't he read his damned briefings?
I really wonder if this was just a random, sarcastic/ironic comment made by a non-fundie that was just misinterpreted.
sure, it'd be a bit out-of-context but that seems more likely than someone actually making that comment.
then again, this is fstdt
If your buddy Bush was so great and had God on his side, how come he couldn't stop 9/11?
Actually, that one makes some sense.
And as an aside, we really need a 9/11 version of Godwin's rule: invoke 9/11 as an 'argument' and you automatically fail.
We could have.
However most of those that worked in the towers were bible believing Christians who followed God's will in their lives, so we needed them removed from NY politics in order to further our Gay, Atheist, Evolution-teaching agenda.
Because a 'good Christian' named George W Bush ignored warnings of this exact event a month earlier. Did W pray it wouldn't happen? Did he make that decision after asking for devine assistance? He's not talking, he's (and Cheney and Co)avoided this question to this day with rehearsed press calls and interviews.
He did invoke his deep religious convictions every time though
Didn't you listen to Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell?
Atheists couldn't stop 9/11 because abortionists, LGBTs, and we all-powerful Pagans took the shield of protection from over the United States.
We crushed the supposed 'one true power', so what do you think the atheists were going to do to stop us?
Yeah... sometimes things like this are jokes, but sometimes people just are that dumb.
However, I have made some sense from this comment. You see, atheists apparently have evolved separately from theists to display a much higher level of intelligence. However, as a consequence of this separate evolution, if an atheist breeds with a theist, the offspring is infertile.
"If evolution is true and all you atheists are so smart than how come you couldn't stop 9/11?"
If the sky is blue and camels live in the desert, how come you're a fucking idiot?
Ask the ones in charge of the US at the time, the ones who got information that something was going on, and ask the ones in charge when the US helped train people in Afghanistan to attack the Soviet Union, way back when.
What does evolution have to do with lots of frustrated angry young men attacking what they perceive as Satan on Earth? That's Religion or maybe Social studies, not Biology.
Evolution isn't "true", it just IS.
This isnt minority report,fucker,we dont spend our spare time lying in a pool in some building in a twilite state "precogging" shit.
Also these babble prophesies you claim are super-accurate,why didnt you lot read the book and figure out that one was coming,cunt tard.
Also part2,fuck you!
Excuse me!
Evolutionists are not responsible for everything in the homo-leftist-science world conspiracy theory!
The communist were supposed to stop 9/11, and yes, they failed once more a task we gave 'em.
Shit man, atheists stopped 11/3, 10/8, 4/9, 3/30, 5/25, 7/26 and 9/11 part 2. Do you know about the terrorist attacks on that day? No, because atheists stopped stopped them before they got underway.
Care to run that synaptic misfire by me again?
No, on second thought, don't. Please.
"If evolution is true and all you atheists are so smart than how come you couldn't stop 9/11?"
Non-sequiturs for Jebus, much?
Great use of that pic from "Code Geass", with Nunnally, sister of Lelouch/Zero. A damn good anime; mecha + CLAMP = WIN.
Here's something that makes a bit more sense...
If Jews are God's chosen people, why did He permit the Holocaust?
If God really loved the world and everyone in it, why would He allow some people to burn in Hell?
If God really wanted to save as many people as He could, why didn't he send Jesus to Rome or India, where he could have teached for decades and converted billions of people, instead of sending him to some Middle Eastern backwater for three years?
Evolution has nothing to do with megalomaniac religious people wanting to punish people for believing in false gods.
Intelligence can't help you see into the future.
Didn't Dubya get some kind of warnings beforehand?
If the bible is true and you fundies are so smart how come you can never show me a four-legged insect?
Oh yes, and what the fuck does evolution have to do with terrorist attacks? Nothing. Religion, on the other hand, had a great deal to do with it.
What the hell does 9/11 have to do with evolution?
Oh, and if God's so loving and omnipotent, then how come He couldn't stop 9/11?
Right back atcha, douchebag, what with your all-knowing, all-powerful, ever-present superhero.
Gawd didn't do shit to stop 3000 innocent murders that day. Guess he was too busy wringing his hands over teh gheys, right?
Well for one, we have control of ZERO branches of government. Also for every one of us there are hundreds of you. Even if we could have foreseen something like this as an inevitable result of our foreign policy strategies dating back to the cold war (you know when we armed and trained Afghanistan to do our dirty work and fight the Russians for us the utterly abandoned them?) that doesn't mean we would have been able to do anything about this if no one was listening. No to mention the religious fundamentalist who was in charge at the time and jihadist fundamentalists who carried out the actions of 9/11 are responsible. Whatever "blame" there is falls squarely on the shoulders of Theists on both sides.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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