Babs9 #conspiracy #quack

That's cause autism didn't exist before 1943. Kenner who found the original 14?. search all data and even toured countries looking for others to fit the diagnosis and found none. Aspergers was diagnosed before 1990 but wasn't included in the spectrum until then. Still didn't account for the rise, neither did MR or similar diagnosis'. The MMR was only implicated because of the media. Wakefields study wasn't even about vaccines and the danish study used to "debunk" the vaccine autism link was not only done by Thorsen who is in the top 5 most wanted for stealing millions but the study only look at a single vaccine with no unvaccinated control groups. Autism is more common in certain races because of vaccinations. Let me explain; certain races who immigrate here are require to get the full range of vaccines in one go. That's alot for the body to handle, some of them also had received additional vaccines in their own country. They are more susceptible because they aren't used to "western society". A good example are a group of people who used to give small amounts of poison to their children over time so they would be used to it and could survive alot of toxic intake. The same is with races who are used to western medicine and the toxic environment they have been living in for generations, while others have gone generations without injections and this bombardment is very hard on their system. There is also the RH factor to consider. Those of other descent usually have a -RH factor and require the rhogam shot during pregnancy which is currently not mercury free. You really do have to take the mothers pregnancy and history into account to find the cause. Though vaccination is by no means the only cause it is the biggest. With our fluoride intake being more for children who are formula(aluminum) fed, this increases the numbers even more.

This has a pretty decent list of studies and the organization has been one of most helpful for parents looking for treatment of internal issues associated with autism instead of being dismissed by doctors


Another good fact to know is why boys are 4 times more likely than girls to get autism. Testosterone. Girls who have autism, when tested, have higher testosterone levels.

Though there are many tests that can be done to determine the cause of ones autism, the heavy metal and opiate urine tests should be top of the list since they are the most common factors amongst those with autism



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