various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @UniversalDelirium )
If a warranted arrest is "modern day lynching" to jews, it should give you a little insight as to why they've been calling labor camps "death camps" for the last 80 years.

"Arresting jews for their crimes is antisemitic."

( @disavower )
@UniversalDelirium Reminder: the ADL was founded when a rich Jew was executed for the rape and murder of a 13 year old White girl. Nothing incenses the jew more than being held accountable for his actions.

( @EricEwald )
@UniversalDelirium This would explain why the Jews have such hatred for Europeans.

( @DaisyintheAlps )
@UniversalDelirium 112 hereditary often severely incapacitating diseases are commonly found among Jews.

These include severe psychological/mental disorders as well, which afflict 20-25% of the Jewish population as per Jewish sources.

This why Ashkenazi Jews are 40% more likely to develop Schizophrenia and other major psychiatric disorders. In fact, this is what often gives rise to the Jewish sense of persecution and “hysteria”.

( @lofisquatch )
@UniversalDelirium We have to understand their mentality. They literally believe we're beasts given human form. They're as incredulous when the goyim take action as we would be if a herd of cows started trying to arrest us.

( @eyerobot )
@UniversalDelirium I guess this is the trauma that you endure, When your forced to invent six million deaths after two world wars.

( @dianecee )
@UniversalDelirium All Jews have been invited to leave the USA. It might be a good idea if they heed that message. There is a very good reason why 80 other nations booted them, too. Maybe they need a push out of the door.......we could start by burning down their synagogues and McMansions.

( @lord_nougat )
@UniversalDelirium may as well just literally lynch them, then.

DRAT! I just remembered, they outlawed lynching!

( @Margopeery )
@lord_nougat @UniversalDelirium and the timing of that outlawing is interesting.

( @baronvonjewhammer )
@UniversalDelirium Name the jew Blame the jew Expose the jew Expel the jew



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