Heaven has a wall, a gate and a strict immigration policy. Hell has open borders. Let that sink in.
Dr. Samuel Hayden is an immortal & indestructible android. Via the Doom Marine, he owns Hell. He possesses a weapon of more than infinite power: the Crucible Hellblade. He has knowledge of interdimensional travel.
id Software's "DOOM IV". One fiction's just as good as another . The BuyBull is 'Truth'? Judges 1:19 is fact , then. PROTIP: "The Salvation War".
We have Iron Chariots.
Let that sink in.
Hell's an inescapable prison assclown. It never is stated as having open borders, even in the Greek legends your Bible stole it from.
You know NOTHING of the Bible, exposing you as a Fundamentalist.
Also, humans don't get into heaven anyway. They get reincarnated into the "Kingdom of Heaven", which is the new world which will be created after Jesus comes back and kicks Satan back downstairs. Or at least, that's one possible interpretation of it.
Actually, your Heaven sounds like North Korea.
Are the walls to keep the unclean hordes out, or to keep the victims in?
Thinking of old Twilight Zone episodes, is the wall and gate there to keep people out, or to keep people in?
This whole idea of eternal paradise is silly anyway, because firstly, I wouldn't be happy worshiping the God of the bible for one minute, let alone forever. Secondly, after the first 900 quintrillion centuries things are going to start to get a bit boring. After you've seen every movie ever made, read every book ever written, seen every play ever written, listened to every song ever written, spoken to every other soul in Heaven, explored all the planets of the universe, and watched the universe die a heat death, eaten every different kind of delicious food ever made, and had sex with every beautiful woman in Heaven, you're eventually going to get tired of it. Because event the largest number of years you could possibly imagine is just a drop in the bucket of eternity. And that's not even mentioning being sad over all your family & friends who are suffering in Hell.
A bunch of people beat me to this, but Gehenna doesn't have open borders. You can't come and go as you please.
I'd dig out all those Bible verses about caring for the stranger and the alien, but they *always* fall on deaf ears among the sorts of people who make analogies as shitty as the OP's.
@Doubting Thomas
Intelligent people see that, living forever, as a hell unto itself. There's been tons of stories wrote about the horror of it, some of us can add it up and shudder, but they're talking about forever praising. Can they not see it? The most devote of them see church as a chore.
It's the promise of mansions I guess, and other non Biblical dogma fundies are fed.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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