various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @TheRealKanyeWest )

spoiler"You know, the rules
of perception. If
they're Black, then it's
a gang. If they're
Italian, it's a mob. If
they're Jewish, it's a
coincidence and you
should never speak
about it."

( @aionia )
A murder of crows
A pack of wolves
A gang of blacks
A coincidence of jews

( @YiddishGypsies )
@aionia @TheRealKanyeWest

"a coincidence of jews"....

what a tragic comedy.

"jews" are all simply yiddish-gypsies who have CONVERTED to judiasm within the last few centuries, and now these same yiddish-gypsies claim to be transformed into semites from another continent, do we see a lie?!

These yiddish-gypsies have conveniently been deflecting attacks because they have gaslit everyone into falsely believing they are semite-jews, who are not yiddish-gypsies.

Yiddish-gypsies have dirty yiddish-gypsy-laws called mitzvahs, these mitzvah laws REQUIRE all yiddish-gypsy tribal members to LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, SWINDLE, BEGUILE, ENSLAVE all other non-tribal members, and for doing so gives them future rewards from heaven.


( @BasedAsianUSA )
@aionia @TheRealKanyeWest

( @DarenFromDelaware )

** if they're White it's "supremacist"

Remember it's Okay to be White!

( @SimonPMcNudd )
@TheRealKanyeWest What do you call a black guy riding a bicycle in Brooklyn? A thief.



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