Alana Marie Burke #fundie

Hetero, homo, emo or Cheerio, all people, especially those that stand out as different, can expect to take some heat in some form or another. The choice is whether to handle the heat with dignity or to make a public spectacle that may garner attention from the media but will only serve to inflame the majority of society. The LGBT organizations, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, (sounds like a sandwich -- a nice lettuce, gruyere, bacon and tomato) and the gay culture persistently push their agenda with displays of public face sucking and flamboyant antics and then complain bitterly when discriminated against.

Perhaps staying in the closet, or at least taking advantage of privacy laws, would be a better choice. The majority of society does not parade their sexual preferences in front of the world expecting special treatment and neither should homosexuals. They're just not that special.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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