Hetero, homo, emo or Cheerio, all people, especially those that stand out as different, can expect to take some heat in some form or another. The choice is whether to handle the heat with dignity or to make a public spectacle that may garner attention from the media but will only serve to inflame the majority of society. The LGBT organizations, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, (sounds like a sandwich -- a nice lettuce, gruyere, bacon and tomato) and the gay culture persistently push their agenda with displays of public face sucking and flamboyant antics and then complain bitterly when discriminated against.
Perhaps staying in the closet, or at least taking advantage of privacy laws, would be a better choice. The majority of society does not parade their sexual preferences in front of the world expecting special treatment and neither should homosexuals. They're just not that special.
The majority of society does not parade their sexual preferences in front of the world
Tell that to the practically innumerable commercials, billboards, TV shows, movies, plays, novels, documentaries, schools, businesses, public parks, amusement parks, etc. (Innumerable, no?) which not only allow hetersexuals to parade their preferences, but encourage as much public affection as possible.
Dear Dipshit,
What, praytell, is the point of parading something that is the already ACCEPTED norm by the greater majority of the Earth's population? The reason why homosexuals do so is to raise awareness and thereby reduce discrimination against their sexual orientation. "Why?" - I hear you squawk from the corner where you sit atop a pile of rotting watermelon skin and chicken bones. Good question, arsehole. It's because of idiots like you who still live in the 12th century and cannot grasp the fact that some people are different than you. Get a fucking life, because quite frankly, you're just not that special.
Kind regards,
The Jamo
"LGBT organizations, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, (sounds like a sandwich"
Alana wants to be the meat in a gay sandwich.
I agree that sometimes gay pride parades can become gratuitously graphic, but that's just because of the thrill in knowing that some assclown like Alana is going to get offended and shoot her mouth off over the internet about it. Shut the fuck up and you won't have any reason to complain about it. Christ.
And you don't think a television commercial of a woman rubbing up to a half-naked guy while he's shaving is overtly sexual?
Somehow, I manage to shave very well without women rubbing up against me. (On the other hand, maybe I wouldn't shave as well if it were a guy...)
Hungry now. :(
And she's totally right! Het couples shouldn't snog in public, shouldn't have big public marriage ceremonies, certainly not have their wedding announcements and pictures in the local papers, or indeed mention their significant others at all unless in carefully gender-neutral terms. Closeting rocks!
I once saw a couple, you know, the sacred man and woman combo, screwing their brains out in a public park. Isn't that special!Not to mention the thousands of teenagers I've seen sucking face in public places throughout my life so far. Get over yourself.
In some ways, I agree that the gay pride parades aren't a good idea - or at least not the way they're being done. It's kind of like throwing a baby into the deep end of a swimming pool. Yes, the child should learn to swim, but start out slow! Likewise, our society isn't ready to all-out accept people who are not only different, but whom they've been taught for generations are 'bad'... and this agressive, in-your-face psychadelic rainbow congregation, which often features naked people flapping their genitalia about, wearing sex fetish gear, clown makeup, gaudy drag queen outfits, and just doing everything possible to say 'I am even MORE different than you could have imagined!' while yelling for equality is too much for the poor minds of your average sexually-repressed conservative population. Baby steps, folks, I believe in baby steps. Not thrusting your groin into their faces and demanding acceptance. They may be wrong in their bigotry, but like a feral dog, you have to work WITH them, in THEIR comfort zone, to tame them. Peace is a two-way relationship, and you can't force it on someone.
Alana, let's get one thing settled from the get-go; you're a homophobe and a jerk. So the gays push their agenda with displays of affection, gee straight people do that too. Don't you ever watch TV? Sex sells everything from beer to vitamins. Gays have outrageous parades where all sorts of lewd and crude behavior occurs, I'll bet it's just like St Patrick's Day in June ( Pride month is required to be in the summer according to the Bible {Pride cometh before the Fall}) As for behavior during Pride parades, TV crews don't take pictures of the gay veterans carrying that flag they bled for, no they gotta get some moron exposing what he thinks is impressive to the public. If you think closets are so damn great get into one and don't come out; you won't be missed
Baby steps, folks, I believe in baby steps. Not thrusting your groin into their faces and demanding acceptance. They may be wrong in their bigotry, but like a feral dog, you have to work WITH them, in THEIR comfort zone, to tame them. Peace is a two-way relationship, and you can't force it on someone.
Yes, Rodent, I agree. Forcing yourself on people is a great way to piss them off. And while theyr'e at it, they should shut up about taking people's guns away and the hate speech/hate crimes nonsense. I mean, its one thing to demand liberty for yourself, but then to demand to take away the liberties that everyone else likes? Get the fuck out of here.
The majority of society does not parade their sexual preferences in front of the world expecting special treatment [...]
HOW COME is it so hard to get that we straight people don't parade for the right to marry because... wait for it...
We already have the right to marry!
Homosexuals do not have the right to marry within their gender, which is what they want, thus they parade for that right.
Heterosexuals do have the right to marry outside their gender, which is what we want, thus no need for a parade.
Get it this time?
Here's a bright way to counter bigotry: hide. Jews can stop wearing yarmulkes, black people can get their skin bleached, old people can get face-lifts and dye their hair, Hispanics can go for coaching so they won't have accents, etc. That way, people like Alana can keep their prejudices without anyone being harmed by it.[/sarcasm]
Hey, I got nothing against gay rights. I think its great to watch them go parading around New York and New Orleans. Some of them really crack me up. They can do whatever they want in their homes and apartments, and declare any kind of union or marriage. Hell, I even support gay polygamy as well as the regular kind. I only get pissed off when they come after MY rights. Capiche?
I have no proof.
Just about every group of people that I have personally oberved have had some form of 'absolute wrong/absolute right' belief system. If one idea held by the group you do not like can be proven questionable, then ALL their ideas must be wrong. Inversely, if one idea held by your own group can be proven (even possibly) correct, then ALL your ideas must be right. Similarly, if a person or group expresses an idea your group doesn't like, it is assumed that said person or group must also believe ALL other 'wrong' ideas that can be associated with the first idea, whether they ever mentioned them or not.
This is not a habit restricted to fundamentalists or religion. It is rampant in politics and business, social groups and schools... There is nothing wrong with admitting to the possibility of not being absolutely right. Because realistically, nobody ever is.
I´m sorry to disgress, but what are policitical champaigns in times of election, dear?, or a multitudinary moon wedding?, or public displays of affection from apparently "perfect" heterosexual couples?. Besides, any religious procession, protest or concert should be banned, following your reasoning. And don´t tell that there is no agenda in the religious right, who try to impose all types of restrictions. You see?, one thing leads to another and.............
Matilde - the concept you seem to be missing is 'moderation'. By suggesting the extrapolation of an irrational extreme based on a percieved route of logic, you're employing exactly the 'absolute right/absolute wrong' method of reasoning I'm talking about. But why must everything be stretched to it's furthest possible point? Are human beings not capable of deciding a reasonable middle ground and stopping there? Apparently, while some are, there are enough that are not to ruin the balance for everyone else.
In short: just because someone asks you to turn down the music doesn't mean they're demanding you turn off the radio.
"Lettuce, Gruyere, Bacon and Tomato". What a great idea. No desire to be in a gay sandwich, but I'm definitely serving those for next Pride Day.
As a gay man, I am constantly subjected to heterosexuals displaying their sexuality in my daily life. Straight sexuality is all pervasive. Straights actually kiss each other, right in front of me, on public transportation. Seminaked female bodies abound on billboards. TV advertising is crammed with straight sexual references. Heterosexuality is paraded in front of me all day every day. And yet, despite all this heterosexualist propaganda telling me that I should be straight, I am still gay. So, a little bit of gay-parading won't make you, your society, or your kids gay. Please relax.
Sit down for this one: They don't. Most homosexuals aren't any more demonstrative than you or me. The only ones that are, do that to make you uncomfortable while stating that they aren't going away. The majority of them lead totally normal lives, such that you'd never know they're gay unless they want to tell you.
I was reading the reader responses below the article, including Alana's bit of ass-covering. I have to agree with the comment from "ReddingMom":
Hmmm... Alana, while reading your column, at first I agreed with you... But, upon further reading and thought, I cannot agree afterall.
Your approach to this topic is very disturbing. It seems to be written to insight controversay {sic; clearly she meant "incite"}, not to bring the world to togetherness. Your defense (comment section) is not encouraging either.
While I agree that some topics of discrimination sometimes get blown out of proportion... And in fact become "holier-than-thou", and "in-your-face", the majority of people who have been discriminated against prefer for others not to know because they are ashamed they "let" the discrimination happen in the first place. Bullies, intolorance, and ignorance are what causes discrimination, not the person who was discriminated against.
I also think that there are some who flaunt their differences to insight reaction. However, most people are not that way.
So, Alana, I think you say one thing, but mean another, just to insight controversay... If that was your goal, I'd say you succeeded! Interesting approach...
As with many things, it only takes a few bad apples, blah blah blah.
Knowing that the majority of a group are perfectly normal, reasonable human beings does very little in the face of a highly visible minority that flaunts the very things that upset those people who cannot tolerate them.
Just keep in mind, don't confuse the way things SHOULD BE with the way things ARE. No matter how screwed up things ARE, that's what you have to deal with. That's the reality... and it's usually wrong, and it usually sucks, and in time hopefully it'll change for the better - but if you operate on the premise of how the world SHOULD be, based on logic and reason and human kindness, you're operating on an idealism, not reality. And that's not going to get anything done.
But...but gays and lesbians are cute!
Also, if it weren't for the gay movement, I wouldn't have my yaoi, and THEN where would I be?
Oh, heteros DON'T, DO THEY? Seems to me I can't look ANYWHERE without seeing some sleezebag heteros smacking face and showing tits and crotch.
Just because transmen like me are demanding respect finally is NO reason for you to get your panties in a knot. I have a few lesbian friends that could change your attitude in a heartbeat--if they let you live afterwards.
Personally, I think that gay pride parades will fade away as gays become more accepted into society, with the right to marry, adopt, etc. A lot of the in-your-face behavior seems due to anger and frustration because of prejudice.
Alana, gays don't want special rights, they want the same rights you have. Give them those rights and they'll probably stop creating public spectacles.
"We're queer! We're here! Get used to us!"
And, apparently, you stay crunchy in milk, too.
Okay, after reading through the comments, I have one thing to get off my chest. NOT ALL OF US ARE THE PRIDE PARADE STREAKING HOMOS! I and virtually every other gay guy I know could sit down with any one of you, and you likely wouldn't assume I'm gay unless it implicitly came up. Hell, even most of the indecency in Pride Parades are in response to wingnuts like this who are adamant that being gay is perfectly fine, so long as they never have to see, hear or even acknowledge that it exists. Aside from that one day a year, most are just as normal as you or I. People who take samplings of what the gay community is like from a Pride Parade absolutely nauseate me.
To be fair, though, I'm not a fan of the premise of the Pride Parades. I believe that as long as either side maintains a division, it will be there.
@lulubloomers At fstdt, we frown upon homophobia. So please stop using gay as an insult / negative term, or you may find one of your own quotes up here. Also, I do not belive this site is suitable for 3 year olds like yourself.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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