Henry Ford Was Right! #racist realjewnews.com
The Jew doesn’t like Free Speech - he is the enemy of freedom and a collectivist tyrant to the core. He always has two sets of rules-one for him and his cotribalists and one for the ‘goys’.
For him and his tribe it’s corporate nepotism, a rigged kangaroo court where his synangogue and Masonic lodge buddies pull the levers, easy loans, ethnocentricism in culture, ethnic pride with his own ethnostate regime that his immensely strict immigration, preservation of the nuclear family and a modicum of morality. But for the goys, it is corporate oppression/wage slavery of the masses via his control, a rigid and toxic bureaucratic system of tyranny in a corrupt legal system the Jew and his goons run, usury and corporate graft in all financial transactions.
For goys, it is the lie of diversity/mass immigration/white genocide implemented via political correctness mind control, destruction of the family and the proliferation of degeneracy against the goyim with Jew promoted garbage like trannys, drag queens reading to little goys in public library’s, feminism, racial interbreeding, and anything else to destroy the goyim using cultural subversion.