Missy #crackpot #racist amren.com
84 percent unemployment. We're about to witness the thresh hold of how many whites are needed to keep a nation functional. It seems to me South Africa has already collapsed as a nation (because blacks are 90% of the population and have destroyed 90% of the infrastructure), but the small remaining areas where whites live are still functional.
Stop being part of the problem and become the solution. Begin mustering in White rural enclaves and arm yourselves. Let the precious PoCs consume themselves for a bit and then see who is still standing at the end.
The cities will break down, and we're already seeing this in the US. The Boers in Orania had to create all of their own infrastructure from scratch. They are legally able to keep blacks out. We should create our own legal ethnic states, one for each European ethnic group, or one for the distinct white American (who is a mix of all Europeans). It may start small like Orania, but will one day probably grow enormous as the only legal place where you can keep the 3rd world out of your nation.
Only reason I do not recommend creating a White Area officially in the US is because once one is made it will be under attack and legally there is no way to defend such a place.
I agree, but Orania has been shielded from the anti-whites due to preservation of a distinct ethnic group. So it would be crucial for this US Orania to have legal definition as preservation of unique human culture, religion, with it's own people and language, just like the Indian tribes. I agree that otherwise and if not defined correctly, it will be attacked by the entire anti-white US military.