Various commenters #wingnut #racist

Republicans are mad they couldn’t cancel student debt for blacks only.

Wait till they find out they've already paid for all the jews in israel. They'll forget all about the niggers.

...And give free tuition to border jumpers.

@Halp Dump tried with his 500, 000, 000 Platinum plan for niggers.

@Halp Definitely. Republicucks are the REAL nigger-lovers.

@brextremist @Halp

@Halp One of the cornerstones of our society is that if a person takes on a debt, then they are responsible to pay it off in full. I object to any student loan forgiveness, we took out loans for my wife and paid them off in full. Race is not in this equation. We are all going to be saddled with their loans.

@BryanRocker @Halp Hilariously retarded, you're nigger food.

@BryanRocker @Halp

"Yall better pay them jews back for the money you borrowed that they created out of thin air!!!"

@BryanRocker @Halp One of the cornerstones of our society is giving handouts to niggers.

@BryanRocker @Halp Jew spotted.

Sure. I fucking worked hard my whole life because I couldn't afford college, so I went to work! Now I get to pay for the fucks who CHOSE to go??? I'll be charging more for my trade school expertise.

@GirlPlumber I seem to recall the Donald Trump cult and the Republican Party cheering on Trumps platinum plan for niggers. I watched in utter shock and amazement watching them support it and this was after niggers were given impunity from trump to terrorize whites. @Halp

They'll just have to settle for Israeli jews...



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