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[From “The Indian Question”]

Why are Indians so predominant in leftist movements[…]? Many older conservatives perpetuate the myth that Indians are conservative, as well[…]With the possible exception of Vivek Ramaswamy, even all of the Indian activists on the “Right” are to the left of their White peers[…]
1. They are part of the Coalition of the Ascendant
If you listen to any late 20th century propaganda[…]you’ll hear no shortage of whining about how WASPy something is[…]
Everybody knows a good grift when they see one. The Indians have merely joined in with the blacks, Hispanics, East Asians, and the rest in an attempt to extort tax money from the White middle-class[…]
2. They come from a collectivist culture that operates on shame
In all Eastern cultures, being out-of-line with the group consensus is the easiest way to get yourself exiled[…]
If you see an Indian bending over backwards (this isn’t a yoga joke) to double down on the leftist perspective to the point of absurdity, realize it’s because she’s read the room[…]
3. They feel confident they can maintain dominance over the Coalition of the Ascendant once they obtain power
Indians, particularly the ones in the U.S., are no strangers to ruling over less intelligent, more violent classes. They refer to it as the caste system[…]
They feel confident that they can easily govern a United States composed primarily of blacks and Hispanics as well[…]They’ll no-doubt import their “untouchable” Dalit class[…]History’s on their side[…]
America would resemble India with a colder climate. Nobody wants to live in India[…]
Don’t believe my prognosis? Is it possible to walk down the street anywhere in Mumbai free from rape, robbery, or murder?[…]If you are walking in Bombay, as Mumbai was called during the British Raj, yes[…]
If you can believe[…]that India under Indian rule became unlivable, it shouldn’t be a stretch[…]to believe that America under Indian rule will become unlivable



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