Various commenters #wingnut #fundie

Dear Christians: if you’re not hurting the feelings of the neo-pagans, the atheists, the abortion fanatics, and the LBGT crowd then you’re doing it wrong.

They don’t own the moral high ground.

You do.

@EmeraldRobinson So will you call out the jews or will you be a coward??

@EmeraldRobinson You going to call out jews or just trying to get christians to fight their Pagan kith and kin, many of whom are on their side, more?


Pro-White pagans, christians, and atheists who put race first will be what pulls us through the current time.

Putting religion first and forsaking your race is exactly what the people trying to genocide us want you to do.

@toomuchjuicex @EmeraldRobinson God first. A race war in America is the next crisis they want to use to justify controlling, then genociding us.

@deguerre00 @EmeraldRobinson Nonsense.

But keep doing the work of the jew.

White people have been divided by the jew agenda for decades now, while every other race has been united against us.

They are genociding Whites. The only response to White genocide is #WhiteUnity.

@toomuchjuicex @EmeraldRobinson White unity at every opportunity

@DagnarOdinsson Christians are commanded by Jesus to put faith above family.

The size of the United White group matters less than the strength of the unity within. We cannot give a free pass to the religion of shabbos goyism, since they will not have their priorities straight. They will not Unite with us. Jesus is NOT WELCOME within the unity of Whites, because he was never White.

Christian beliefs have ALREADY caused White genocide. From many nations, we have become merely "White". MudWhites. Left intact, Christianity will cause White genocide. There is no White Unity with Christianity.

We are infinitely better off leaving them to fend for themselves, then trying to deal with the disunity which is a deliberate effect of the faith. As Jesus said, "I have not come to bring peace but a sword. [A sword that divides families and households against themselves.]"

@toomuchjuicex @EmeraldRobinson



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