various commenters #transphobia

RE: She Finally Peaked

( syntaxerror )
I suspect she originally thought the same thing that most people did, that “trans women” were either intersex or effeminate gay twinks who could do no harm to women and just wanted to exist, bothering no one.

The rise of the AGPs has been impossible to ignore if you’re even slightly involved in the LGBTQWERTY community, and again the more exposure that this new wave of “trans woman” gets, the more people wake up! We need more Lia Thomases, more Dylan mulvaneys to be making headlines, because I promise you that it’s making reasonable people really go “wait a minute, this isn’t what I thought it was”

That, combined with the tsunami of lawsuits I see heading for shore, and I think there will be some mass peaking in the next 1-3 years. Go team!

( solitaire )
In my limited experience as a straight outsider looking in, the older a lesbian is, the less likely she is to be single/dating and therefore the less likely she is to have had her boundaries transgressed by AGP TIMs. (The invisibility of older women doesn’t seem to be limited to those of us who are straight.)

I think that’s why some of the most rabid TRAs I know are older (50+) lesbians, particularly those in long term relationships. They’re just not going to be personally impacted the way a young lesbian is, and it can take a long time for the scales to fall from their eyes.

Like your friend, it might only be when the TQ+ start encroaching on other aspects of their life: bathrooms, hospitals, sports, aged care, lesbian gatherings, women-only spaces etc. that they start to get uncomfortable and maybe reach peak trans.

Unfortunately, it’s part of human nature: people frequently do not care about important issues until they are personally affected.

( Eava )
That is a really good point. If you're past the age of going to bars and dating, you're probably not being told you're a homophobic bigot for not wanting to sleep with TIMs.

( Architectura )
Did she for sure know that transwomen = males? Because her initial response makes perfect sense if she (like many) assumes that transwomen = females.

Glad you peaked so many! Keep fighting the good fight, Sister!



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