This page is written in a very naive way which assumes that "coercion" occurs as some aberrant behaviour practiced by a tiny minority. No, strict religion *is* coercion. The clue's in the name - Islam means Submission, i.e. Submission to God, i.e. specifically, in the case of Islam, Submission to Sharia Law. It's the same mistake as those Arab hijabis who claim that they freely chose to wear a Hijab. Well no because their whole culture is making them believe that if they don't wear a hijab, they are sluts. It's an oppressive culture.
Of course, even though Namazie is an atheist, this point of view is a little extreme, so that's why she couches it in terms of rights. But the reality is, Muslim women will only be truly free when they become apostates. Arbitration or no arbitration
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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