Atavistic Autist #transphobia #sexist #ableist

[Serious] An autistic male transforming himself into a Machiavellian is the flip-side of an autistic male transitioning genders

Both are attempts of the autist to increase his social status, get attention/recognition, and fit in.

But what do they result in? In most cases, disappointment and failure.

Just as many transsexuals commit suicide, even or perhaps especially if they enjoy initial success in getting low tier normies to buttfuck them, many autists who try to become manipulative Machiavellians, even or perhaps especially if they enjoy initial success in it (as in a career setting), will just end up crashing and burning because they're not able to reconcile their lies with their true selves.

What the actual psychopath and foid have going for them is that their entire lives are lies. They aren't even pretending when they present themselves as artificial edifices: they are artificial edifices, the consummate NPCs.

But an autist has a true inner core, on the contrary. And rather than trying to be something you're not, self-actualizing through NEETdom and the cultivation of your special interests is the true way forward.



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