Talking About Mythology
1. My God isn't mythical. So much for that. Thor is a movie coming out that came from the Marvel comic that got it from the mythological kingdom of Assgard. Odin would be sore displeased at you for not knowing that.
2. Lucy. You mean that ape bone they found in Africa and claimed she was Eve? Come on, if you want to say an ape is your grandma I have no problem with that. It just further proves your stupidity.
Look you dumb cluck, you didn't think I would start a game and not bring the ball did you?
"1. My God isn't mythical."
Prove it. What qualities does your god have that mythological gods lack that shows your god is real?
"2. Lucy. You mean that ape bone they found in Africa and claimed she was Eve?"
It wasn't a single bone and I'd be incredibly surprised if any credible scientist in the appropriate filed called her Eve in sort of Biblical sense. Someone may have called her "Eve" in the sense that she was the earliest female human ancestor but certainly not the way you're implying.
"Come on, if you want to say an ape is your grandma I have no problem with that. It just further proves your stupidity."
My grandmother was an ape. What was yours, a rock? Oh, wait, I forgot. Yours was "magic mud" that your god "breathed" life into.
"Look you dumb cluck, you didn't think I would start a game and not bring the ball did you?"
You're not even on the correct field.
1. My God isn't mythical. So much for that.
Because I say so!
Thor is a movie coming out that came from the Marvel comic that got it from the mythological kingdom of Assgard. Odin would be sore displeased at you for not knowing that.
It's Marvel, you know FICTION.
2. Lucy. You mean that ape bone they found in Africa and claimed she was Eve?
No one claimed she was Eve.
Come on, if you want to say an ape is your grandma I have no problem with that. It just further proves your stupidity.
Irony overload.
Look you dumb cluck, you didn't think I would start a game and not bring the ball did you?
The hell?
My God isn't mythical.
Strike one!
Lucy. You mean that ape bone they found in Africa and claimed she was Eve?
Strike two!
Come on, if you want to say an ape is your grandma I have no problem with that. It just further proves your stupidity.
Strike three! Now GTFO!
(1) There is just as much proof for Thor and Odin as their is for your judeo-christian God.
(2) Lucy has quite a few boones. She wasn't exactly an ape, nor was she exactly a human. Eve was a Jewish concept opted by the Christians and invented twice in Genesis. No proof of her existence, not even bones like Lucy. Since you have no concept of the facts of evolution, yet you ignorantly waste your and other's time trying to discuss it, I would say you are far more stupid than they are.
You are so far out in left field you are standing on a chevy in the parking lot.
Yahweh -> Marduk -> Indo-Iranian precursors -> Proto-Indo-European trifecta
Odin -> Tiwaz -> Euro precursors -> Proto-Indo-European trifecta
Zeus -> Tiwaz -> Euro precursors -> Proto-Indo-European trifecta
Seeing a pattern yet?
1. Why the ass jokes?
2. No, Lucy was a skeleton somewhere between chimps and humans, more chimp-like, really. She was not Eve. If Eve existed, she came after Lucy.
You'd like Thor. He's actually an intolerant jackass just like you! (From when I was last reading the comics before I got disgusted and switched to the X-titles and DC stuff.)
Also, I'm agreeing with Horsefeathers. Prove that your god isn't mythical.
That's why Billy from the Young Avengers changed his name from "The Asgardian" to "Wiccan." Because Billy is gay, and Hawkeye noted, "the jokes will come way too easy." XD
Thor is a movie coming out that came from the Marvel comic
And how many movies and comic books have been about Jesus and God? If that's your test, I guess they really are mythical.
Look you dumb cluck, you didn't think I would start a game and not bring the ball did you?
LOL!!! Holy shit, but this guy is an idiot.
Yet another smug moron who wears his ignorance as a badge of pride, all while thinking he's more intelligent than this antagonists.
Oh well, it makes for good comedy.
1. Fine, prove you god exists then. By your own logic your god is mythical because he has also been portrayed in both comic books and movies.
2. We have the evidence for our evolutionary history; we don't need to look much further than our own genes for that. Bring evidence for God and I might listen.
And finally, Oh mirror...mirror.
One, your god is most certainly mythical.
Two, it's "Asgard"
Three, nobody claimed that Lucy was "Eve"
Look you dumb cluck, you didn't think I would start a game and not bring the ball did you?
Sure, you brought the ball; but I brought the bases, the catcher's gear, the diamond, and the bats. Thanks for letting me take care of the heavy work, a**hole.
2. Lucy. You mean that ape bone they found in Africa and claimed she was Eve? Come on, if you want to say an ape is your grandma I have no problem with that. It just further proves your stupidity.
Look you dumb cluck, you didn't think I would start a game and not bring the ball did you?
Seeing that you managed to confuse the fossil of the humanoid colloquially known as Lucy with the so called Mitochondrial Eve, I would say you not only brought a basketball to a baseball match, you didn’t even manage to inflate it properly
At least we can see Thor. His creators were the Great God Jack Kirby, and His Excelsior!ness Stan Lee. Yours, not so much, Dwayne! [/"Die Hard"]
'Ball'? Bollocks (and yours will be flattened, Dwayne!). Thor has a hammer, Mjolnir, your 'God' was nailed to a cross. Any questions...?! >:D
"My God isn't mythical."
Let's see:
- Jesus turned water into wine and walked on water, just like Dionysus
- Jesus healed the sick and brought the dead back to life, just like Asclepius
- Jesus foretold the future, just like Apollonius of Tyana
- Jesus came back from the dead and declared "I am the life and the resurrection" just like Osiris
If you god isn't a myth, it sure acts like one
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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