It also sounds as though Lucifer was created as an organic organ. A living musical instrument. The tabrets and pipes were IN him.
When he fell, perhaps his musical ability was disfigured and hindered, and that is why we have rock and roll and heavy metal and rap music, because it is the sounds that the devil produces from his corrupted body.
What never stops to entertain (and scare the crap out of me) is that these people seem to actually, really, honestly believe that these fantasies of theirs have some connection to reality. I mean, maybe they don't think that they've actually seen a Lucifer pipe organ in real life, but I'm sure this guy at least thinks that it has scriptural basis.
Listen, I hate rap, too, but I'm not going around calling it a tool of the devil. Why? Because I have something called "rational thought." Try it sometime, you might like it if your brain doesn't fry under the strain.
AV1611 has his own site?
The madness never ends.
'...perhaps his musical ability was disfigured and hindered....'
Or alternatively, perhaps you're a delusional halfwit wasting their life inventing ridiculous pseudo-Biblical fan-fic.
I know which alternative the smart money's on.
"When he fell, perhaps his musical ability was disfigured and hindered, and that is why we have rock and roll and heavy metal and rap music, because it is the sounds that the devil produces from his corrupted body."
Someone needs to write a metal song about this. Preferably a thrash metal song, but death metal works, too.
"organic organ : Now that's a visual."
*chuckles, then smiles* Well, human lungs are often colloquially known as "pipes", especially when referring to talented singers.
Or, maybe all that wretched "praise music" is what is disfigured and corrupted.
Just because you don't care for some style of music doesn't make it Satanic.
I don't understand. Why does the small photo accompanying your post on AV1611 show a person that is obviously older than six years old? It's a zany looking individual admittedly, but certainly of someone older than six. Whereas, judging from the actual contents of your post, you can't be older than six years yourself. So we expect to see a zany six year old in the photo.
Okay, you don't like rock and roll, heavy metal and rap. Fair enough! However, claiming it's bad music because it comes from: Lucifer's disfigured organic organ, is simply insane.
Well, at least Lucifer is creative!
But the worst music of all (definitely influenced by people's interpretations of an evil character in the Bible) is Christian Rock.
Oh for fucks sake, these idiots are like a bunch of fucking dweebs playing D&D and trying to out do each other with some big scary monster at every turn. I love how matter-of-fact the information is presented. As a lead guitarist in two of the rock bands those asshats wouldn't have the first clue in understanding, I have to say that it's almost insulting to the senses just how absofuckinglutley clueless these morons are.
OK, I'll bite. What about house and ambient trance music?
EDIT: @ Sanity - Brother, you are officially on my "do not read with mouth full of tea" list.
I really shouldn't read these while I eat -- I just about snorted ramen out my nose!
And "living musical instrument"... that's really fucking creepy, like something you'd see in Silent Hill.
What about Psytrance or heck, even Psychill?
The Devils most misleading music, sounds like Heaven but from the very pits of Satan's bowe... err Hell itself?
"play me,,,the best song in the world,,,or I'll eat your souls"
Yeah, that's comedy, dude
When he fell, perhaps his musical ability was disfigured and hindered, and that is why we have the most insidious depraved decrepit music of all times . the mere through of it causes human ears to bleed .,And men to vomit .yes the devil music is called "Christan rock" .
It robs you of you're will and your locks your Brain in a cerebral mind numbing prison from witch their is seldom any escape.
And thus the religion of Darwinism,whose believers believe in Darwinis, father of rock, was born.
And Darwinis, father of rock, had many children, of which the most famous are Evo Luti, creator of metal, and Evi Luti, mother of punk.
Despite the fact that rock and roll et. al. have only been around for what, 50 years? Compared to even your estimate of 6000 years.
Yeah, that's got to be it.
[It also sounds as though Lucifer was created as an organic organ. A living musical instrument. The tabrets and pipes were IN him.]
Shit, no wonder they guy rebeled.
[When he fell, perhaps his musical ability was disfigured and hindered, and that is why we have rock and roll and heavy metal and rap music, because it is the sounds that the devil produces from his corrupted body.]
Nevermind the fact that we have rock and hip hop Christian bands.
Oh wait, their not "real Christians" are they?
This sounds like the final boss in a crazy Japanese RPG. You know, on the last disc, when the plot gets really weird? And then you defeat the final boss for the first time, but then it morphs into this huge winged final form? That one.
Rock'n'roll was invented by black folks. I know you racist bastards like to pair blacks with the debbil.
Besides, your "Christian" Country and Western music celebrates alcoholism, ignorance, incest, bar-life, and beastiality.
So go break out your Tobey Keith album (or whichever manly man country star who feels so insecure in their sexuality that they need two first male names).
So... Lucifer was a big organ in the sky, but when he thought he was prettier than God, he became a fucking Stratocaster?
That is so goddamn awesome.
Sing it with me, folks.
"I'm the Devil, I can do what I want!
Whatever I got, I'm gonna flaunt,
Never been a rockoof I've ever lost!"
Seriously, this oughta be a Tenacious D flick.
his musical ability was disfigured and hindered
Huh? Have you ever heard christian music?
Seriously, have you ever heard that shit?
Well, it's where Country music comes from -that's for sure -with all the songs about drinking, incest, and dog-love.
Evil, I tells ya!
Rock and roll evolved a combination of blues, country, gospel and jazz some time between the twenties and fifties.
Heavy metal was a direct descendant of blues with some psychedelic influences in there.
Rap evolved from funk and soul samples before adding vocals over the top.
There. I just gave you a perfectly rational explanation as to how rock and roll and heavy metal and rap came about. If you don't like it, if you feel that you simply find hymns more uplifting, that's fine with me. But please, don't try to make stuff up to justify your position.
"Nyarlathotep . . . the crawling chaos.
And it was then that Nyarlathotep came out of Egypt. Who he was, none could tell, but he was of the old native blood and looked like a Pharaoh. The fellahin knelt when they saw him, yet could not say why. He said he had risen up out of the blackness of twenty-seven centuries, and that he had heard messages from places not on this planet. Into the lands of civilisation came Nyarlathotep, swarthy, slender, and sinister, always buying strange instruments of glass and metal and combining them into instruments yet stranger. He spoke much of the sciencesof electricity and psychologyand gave exhibitions of power which sent his spectators away speechless, yet which swelled his fame to exceeding magnitude. Men advised one another to see Nyarlathotep, and shuddered. And where Nyarlathotep went, rest vanished; for the small hours were rent with the screams of nightmare. "
...and if you've ever read HP Lovecraft's works - as well as his contemporaries' stories relating to such - then I'd say that Lucifer is Gandhi in comparison to the Outer God, the Crawling Chaos. On the other hand...:
...the Chaos that always crawls up to you with a smile can just whistle very badly, as she offers you a bento ...! ('B... L... T!') X3
Chapter and verse, please. Lucifer (as a name of the Devil) is not even in the Bible! It is nothing but fanfiction based on one passage in an OT poem where a king of Babylon is mockingly spoken to as shining Morning Star (Lucifer in Latin) who would have tried to ascend to the highest heavens but had fallen into the darkest depths of the Underworld!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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