Mainländer #psycho #sexist

[Experiment] Ever noticed how it's impossible to truly respect sexually passive people?

Cucks and leftists say it's something cultural. Maybe, but I think it's our innate feeling of honor and the fact we biologically know the person who fucks is in a dominant/superior position while who's getting fucked is inferior/submissive.

Notice how the beautifully, sad tone of the song she's singing gets demolished by the contrasting scenes of her sucking cock and getting fucked on camera. It immediately stirs a feeling of lost dignity on us.

Would you be able to respect that girl after seeing it? Would you be able to have her as your doctor, your lawyer, your professor?

I wouldn't. After you see someone getting fucked like that, there's an innate (IMO) feeling of contempt, especially if the guy fucking her isn't her husband. This is related to honor, I think some foids and cucks don't experience it (some foids do however, just see how many feel ashamed and isolate/kill themselves after such videos emerge to the public, even if the consequences of it aren't that dire).

Active sexuality isn't shameful. I wouldn't really give a fuck if there were a video of me fucking a foid on the internet. It could perhaps create some minor inconveniences in my life or something, but I wouldn't cry over it at all. If someone told me they saw the vid, I'd say "yup, that was me fucking the girl in the vid" with a straight face, unlike girls whose videos get published and they do everything to either make people believe it isn't them on the vid or giving some other excuse like "I was raped!", "I was pressured!", etc, even if she's having a blast in the vid.

Now imagine your doctor/lawyer/professor being feature in a video like this one. The foid is rimming the guy while he farts on her mouth.

Would you really be able to respect someone after seeing the person doing that? Some foids and all cucks can do it, but it's impossible to me.

Would you be able to not feel bad it it were your daughter, sister or mother? I wonder how they manage to do it.

Foids wants us to be ashamed of our masculine sexuality. They want us to feel sorry about "toxic masculinity", to force ourselves not to like young developed girls like it's perfectly normal to do as a straight man.

This is what Roosh V talks about with his inversion theory, cultural marxists want to invert everything.

Masculinity is superior to femininity. Men are superior to women. Men are strong, women are weak; men are assertive, women are passive; men are the ones who go to the front line and risk their lives battling fiercely when push comes to shove while women and effeminate faggots cry and piss their pants. Men are the ones who have to do the hard work which is vital to society as well.

[scene of the movie “300”]

Contrast the scenes above, of women getting fucked and sexually humiliated, with this scene of masculine, heroic, strong men bravely fighting to defend their land. The feelings of respect, honor, admiration come up immediately.

Women are supposed to be our subordinates. They have the key role of bearing children and that's it. They inferior to us and unnecessary in everything else they can do.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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