Yeah. That is why they are winning the war on terror. You only need the PC media and PC trolls coming out of the woodwork blaming the NRA, calling for more gun control laws, blaming Christians. Take note that the Planned Parenthood was not a Christian. There is no proof that. He was a crazy individual who was registered independent so, more than likely, more liberal in his views. A lot of gun laws already on the books are not even being enforced against criminals and terrorists because of the PC garbage. We dare not offend criminals and terrorists!
Oooh, yeah, I know this one. The person who commits a horrifying act is never a Christian, no matter what he or she may say. As a corollary, the perpetrator is likely to be a liberal.
This is largely correct.
Jesus approves of firearm ownership. Luke 22:36
And since it has been reported that the Planned Killinghood shooter was a pervert, he couldn't have possibly been a real Christian.
In the name of the Lord,
I love how these idiots project.
Yeah, sure! Blame your bloodshed on the bunch that promote the Social Safety Net, better education, peaceful conflict resolution and who abhor machismo!
It's like their (and Dear's) deranged take on a certain religious faith...."Blood, violence, bigotry and hate in honor of a 2000 year old quasi-hippie proto-Socialist who to us to turn the other cheek and love and forgive everybody!"
The more I read the Four Gospels, the more I see Jesus facepalming at the worst case of "Misaimed Fandom" in the history of humanity. Pharisaical "Christianity" is like a White Supremacist religion that honors Martin Luther King Jr!
"he couldn't NOT have possibly been a real Christian."
Exactly, if you say so, I guess I won't argue...
Take note that the Planned Parenthood was not a Christian. There is no proof that.
Apart from his record of being a very devout Christian, no.
@Jerry: I coulda sworn Jesus was pro-sword, not pro-gun. Otherwise he woulda just come out and said so in the Gospels, right? He who is without a machine gun should sell his shirt and buy an M16 (but no commie AK-47), right?
@Kid Cthulhu:
What makes Jerry's choice of passage even more laughable is that this is where the disciples bought two swords, at Jesus' command, to protect Jesus from those trying to arrest him, which, of course, he knew was going to happen shortly. However, Jesus himself then prevented them from actually using said swords for this. So, even if you were to interpret that passage as being Jesus saying 'owning a weapon is A-OK', in order to be consistent, you would have to interpret the later bit as ' long a you never, ever, ever actually use it in any way, even to protect yourself or others'.
Jerry is completely incorrect:
And since it has been proved that Jerry is a paedo enabler (pimping out his own underage daughters to fellow Christain paedophiles), he can't possibly be a real Christian. Matthew 7:21-23 (Q JV)
@Kid Cthulhu, Smidgy
Also, Matthew 26:52 (Q JV). Thus his own J-boy contradicts himself , proving he is fallible and thus not perfect. Therefore Jer's 'Jesus', and thus 'God', is inferior, a contradiction to himself, ergo he doesn't exist. Contradictory deity, contradictory - certainly hypocritical Pharisee-esque - followers, as proved above.
And @#1891746 is completely correct about this & all other trolls. I refer everyone to the above link. Q.E. and D. [/whatever]
Can you back the part about Jerry being a pedophile enabler up? I seem to have missed that post.
Also Q.E.D. means "Quod erat demonstrandum", which roughly translates to "what had to be proven".
Hey, Jerry? Go f*ck yourself! I'd say you aren't funny anymore, but the truth is you were never funny to begin with.
We're all pretty sure you're just a lowlife troll now because nothing you say is grounded in reality or makes any sort of sense. You're just here to aggravate us.
So, yeah, I support everyone else. Can somebody ban this a**hole? He's no longer entertaining to mock anymore.
@Jerry (emph-ass-is added):
"The so-called "age of consent" is a pagan invention and is of no relevance to Christianity or to Jesus. It's one of those silly things we abide by to "give Caesar what's Caesar's".
And there are many ways of bypassing these laws. I married off two of my daughters at 15 years of age. [...] And everything was Biblical, and both of them are in good marriages with young Christian pastors."
I refer Jer to the likes of David Koresh and Tony Alamo. Particularly the former, who was basically Jerry Mk. I. [/Josh Buggar]
Q.E. and fucking D. You admitted it, Jerry, I didn't.
The above alone is certainly reason enough to justify Jerry being banned; also his behaviour - and his M.O. which you point out - that would've had him banned from other boards/forums before now, and justifiably so. Indeed, it wouldn't surprise me if Jer has been banned from just about every forum/board out there precisely because of this reason, thus he's reduced to shitting up FSTDT.
If that is indeed the case, was it wrong for all those forums/boards to ban him? Perhaps there's an idea for the next incarnation (.org) of this board: TOS rules.
Nope. It's useful idiots like VIRGIL and NeoMatrix that are helping Daesh with their bigotry.
Thankfully, Obama has the right of it. Too bad they're too stuck in their comfortable bigotry to see it that way.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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