David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
No husband should trust his wife to be alone with the opposite sex, and vise versa. This is good sense. I realize that most people today laugh at such moral standards, but that is to be expected in a society that flocks to SIN CITY Las Vegas to indulge in wickedness. That is to be expected in a society that legalizes booze, pornography, gambling, dirty dancing, and prostitution. Woe unto America!
If You Think Your Husband or Father is Control Freak, Then You Definitely Won't Like God
image Photo to Left: Christ-rejecting blasphemers are selling "God is a control freak" T-shirts.
God is a loving God, but He is an authoritative God as well. The Bible is extremely AUTHORITATIVE! The Bible is filled with COMMANDS from God... THOU SHALT NOT _____!!! Ever heard of the Ten Commandments? God has told us what to do in His Word, and if we are smart we will comply.
Women who refuse to obey their husband are disobeying God, because God commands wives to obey their husband (1st Peter 3:1). If you don't like an authoritative husband, who is jealous, controlling, takes charge, wants everything done his way, and continually monitors you--then you will absolutely hate God.
There is a direct correlation between a woman's attitude towards an authoritative husband, and her attitude towards God. Those foolish women who think God is a compromising teddy bear are greatly deceived. God DEMANDS that all mankind repent (Acts 17:30). God has given us His Ten COMMANDMENTS! Those who refuse to OBEY God will burn in Hellfire forever (2nd Thessalonians 1:8,9).
I've heard women label authoritative husbands and fathers as being "control freaks" or "controlling." Society today crucifies such men as being "abusive," when in reality they are just being like God. Should it be surprising that T-shirts are being sold online which read... "GOD IS A CONTROL FREAK"? Repent America! Repent!