Wayne Allyn Root #fundie foxnews.com
Hillary will open the borders like never before, to let in millions of illegal aliens who have no love for anything that made America great.
Illegals immigrants no longer come here "for a love of America." They come for a love of welfare, food stamps, housing allowances, free medical, free education, free meals at school, free English as second language classes—and don’t forget $3,000 welfare payments disguised as "earned income tax credits," for people who paid no taxes.
Illegals come here for the cradle to grave welfare state that America has become. Eighty percent of them (or higher) will vote for Democrats forever to keep the checks coming. That’s Hillary’s plan.
Don’t believe me? See California. No Republican will ever again be elected to statewide office.
This was the exact formula that destroyed California. Open the borders, let in millions of foreigners, make them dependent on government welfare checks, train them to vote Democratic to keep the checks and handouts coming. It worked!
That was the experiment. Call it Plan A. Now Democrats are onto Plan B. The plan is to flood the country with illegals and foreigners who don’t share our values or love of America. The plan is to turn the rest of America into California.
Hillary will flood the country with millions more.
Hillary will legalize the 15 million or so already here -- and give them the right to vote.
Hillary will allow those 15 million to quickly and easily bring in millions of their relatives and friends.
Hillary will also import millions of Muslim refugees -- people who will need instant welfare and food stamps, very few of whom speak our language, very few of whom believe in American exceptionalism, our Constitution, or Judeo-Christian values.
This is the four-step plan. Then it’s over for America. In four years we’ll be California-cated. We will never win a popular vote for president again.
Donald Trump is our last chance to ever again elect a Republican president. It’s Donald Trump—or it’s the end of the GOP on the national level—and the end of America.
So don’t even think of staying home—or taking a vacation—or registering a “protest vote” on Gary Johnson—or Evan McMullen.
Don’t even think of staying home because you’re a Christian and Trump is not your cup of tea.
Think of the Supreme Court.
Think of open borders.
Think of millions of Muslim refugees imported by Hillary to turn America into Western Europe.
Think of your children’s future.
Think of the future of your unborn grandchildren.
Think of your job.
Think of your middle class life.
Think of ObamaCare expanded to single payer like bankrupt Europe.
Think of capitalism, American exceptionalism, Judeo-Christian values.
Think of this as the last time you can EVER elect a Republican.
Think of this as Trump—or the end of America.
Then vote like you’ve never voted before.
Vote for Trump like...
It’s Trump, or the end of America.
Because it is.
Wayne Allyn Root is a capitalist evangelist, serial entrepreneur, conservative national media commentator, and proud champion of the middle class. He is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee, now back to the GOP. Wayne's latest book is "Angry White Male" (Skyhorse Publishing). He is a supporter of Donald Trump's presidential campaign. For more, visit his website: www.ROOTforAmerica.com. Follow him on Twitter@WayneRoot.