Congressman Paul Gosar & Various commenters #wingnut

(Congressman Paul Gosar)
The Biden Administration has totally dropped the pretense of governing all Americans.

The Regime is lashing out against Conservatives and Christians for daring to oppose them.

We must Dismantle and Eliminate the FBI.

@DrPaulGosar No, they're lashing out at WHITE PEOPLE. They are antiwhites.

@14W @DrPaulGosar it's Christians. Not whites. The Devil is a deceiver.

@BikingForJesus @DrPaulGosar Wrong. The antiwhites are not targeting nonwhite Christians.

@14W @DrPaulGosar the Devil uses deception. They will. It's a way of life they are trying to destroy.

@BikingForJesus @DrPaulGosar Antiwhitism is demonic, and they have slanted western civilization for complete destruction. They target no others.

@14W @DrPaulGosar it's not whites. It's that whites are overwhelmingly Christian. That's why whites have succeeded. They were rewarded for following the rules God set forth. It's to show others that it works. Even though most don't actually believe. They are at least trying.

@BikingForJesus I don't trust you at all given that you're lying. Leftists are antiwhites, they only target white people - and nonwhites who they perceive as heretical to antiwhitism.

@DrPaulGosar the FBI are enemy combatants and must be prosecuted to the FULLEST extent of the law!

@DrPaulGosar you do understand how wars work, right? We are already at war with our government but our government tells you it is illegal to fight back. They won't stop. They will force our hands and blame us for fighting back against them. We don't need to fight the government. We need to eliminate the top 1%. Jail or death. Their choice. They will force you to do it then tell you it is illegal to fight them.

@DrPaulGosar They are calling anyone that believes the election was stolen an insurrectionist. The insurrection was the treasonous Democrats stealing the election and installing Biden as an illegitimate president.



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