Well #521925 you say Egypt? Have you been there before? Do Egyptians carry the same physical traits as a person from say Angola. Technically yes an Egyptian is Africa however in the case at hand he is not. We are discussing true African lineage. #521925 your model suggests that South Africans, who as we know are largely European would in fact be black. If you wish to argue this point please think of a better argument.
As for Asian cultures, this is not what is being discussed here. Yes the Chinese where very advanced in the 1500’s, however they were isolated. Due to most Asian nations isolation to the outside world their contributions to the global intellectual and economic growth are minimal. This is the key, who where the world players in the 16th century? We where originally discussing the 16th century. China and Japan where not key centers to the development of the world. The movers and shakers where England and Spain. Rewind a few years to 1492, who was it that crossed the sea and settled parts of America?
Bigotry and looking at the facts are two different things. Show me an African nation inhabited by blacks, not Muslims or people of Middle Easter decent who have furthered themselves like the European nations and I’ll be glad to listen. Strip these people of their color and see them as humans, show me what they have offered to the global good. Thus far I see Africa as a largely damaged land children soldiers, AIDS, starvation, war &c. It’s a sad place really.
Now to your comments in regards to my statement about interfacial relationships; I did not offer forth a psychological conclusion. However I offered a sociological analysis, there is quite a bit of a difference there. For example subject A, who is of race X joins into a relationship with subject B, who is of race Y. Though they may be compatible sexually the difference between race X and Y may be great. This same model is true for religious differences. A Jew will encounter problems engaging into a relationship with a Catholic.
What I would suggest is you remove the idea of the skin color of your subject and look at their culture. #521925 you are performing bigotry and I doubt you even realize it. Have you ever said “why he’s doing well .. for a black man”? See this is called liberal racism, or backhanded racism. It sounds nice to the ear but any person it’s used on should be just an enflamed by it as if someone called them a derogatory word.
Lastly any self respecting women would have what is called virtue. She should have the mind about her not to sleep with whatever crossed her path. The subject I mentioned was not self respecting, she was self destructive. If one dose not analyze someone’s past how are we to create a theory on their future? Promiscuous activity is rarely a onetime event, should I not ask and end up with my heart broken and maybe a disease later? This “who are we to judge” attitudes usually is said by those who don’t live in the real world. Every single minuet out in public we should be making analysis on everyone we meet; determining friend or foe, to trust or not to trust, what is the next thing I should say to them. All of these are based on judgments, those who don’t make judgments end up a serial killers next victim, at best they get robbed.
Also, please next time you reply to this use spell check.