various commenters #transphobia

"The concept of transmisogyny doesn't even make sense."

( crodish )
Damn. Nice. Schrodinger's Oppression.

Gonna assume MTT is "Male to Trans" which is far more accurate than "MTF".

( Artemis_Lives )
I just prefer the term "male". Its the most accurate.

( old_but_gold )
Yeah, MTT is "male to trans"! It used to be a much more common term but has been mostly replaced by "TiM"

( MaryDyer )
The important part of the word misogyny is gyn. Gyn specifies female. You can’t be misogynistic against someone who is objectively not female.

( DurableBook )
My galaxy brain take is that "transmisogyny" was popularized as a deliberate effort to make everyone so sick of hearing that combination of sounds that women who try to talk about misogyny will see people's eyes glazing over before they get more than a few words out.

( WanderingUterus )
Unfortunately, I would argue that we are already at that point; not only is feminism increasingly deemed "no longer necessary," but also far too many men openly delight in what trans activism is doing to women as a kind of "punishment" for "bringing this all on themselves by insisting that we're all equal."

It feels like people cared about misogyny for about five whole minutes in the grand scheme of things, and now nobody wants to hear about it. Even the few people left who give a damn about misogyny are unfortunately often the same people who will completely screw us over if a TIM starts whining that the mean feminists aren't centering HIM enough.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
The phrase was coined in Julia Serano's "Whipping Girl", which reads like a lampoon of feminist and lesbian liberation thought.

His first example of "transmisogyny" is men getting ridiculed for wearing dresses. This is the worst form of "misogyny" TIMs experience.

(madderthanhell )
Logic is tRaNsPhOBiC



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