And you wonder why you lose so many elections?
Here's a hint: Nobody cares about your terrorist supporting, God and Jesus hating, baby killing, flag burning, culture of death.
Take your views to France or Canada where they welcome traitors to America. You are not wanted here.
If 'nobody cares', why bother having elections at all, then? Why not just declare the Republican Party the government in perpetuity, and save all the bother. I mean, if 'nobody cares', then nobody ever votes Democrat, am I right?
I'd really love to know who exactly constitutes this "terrorist supporting, God and Jesus hating, baby killing, flag burning, culture of death" of which he speaks. I certainly see no evidence of such lifestyles around me!
Seriously, come up with even three people (I'd say that's the absolute minimum to constitute a "culture") that exemplify this creed. I doubt you can find even one -- unless he's in the next cell in your asylum.
~David D.G.
mr thick-as-a-brick wrote: Nobody cares about your terrorist supporting, God and Jesus hating, baby killing, flag burning, culture of death.
Says the man whose entire cult religion is built around the symbol of someone being tortured to death. Says the man whose holy book recommends dashing the heads of babies against the stones. Says the man whose religion is responsible for burning people alive. Says the man whose religion is responsible for some of the greatest acts of terror human history has ever known.
I will grant him, though, that if I believed in God & Jesus in the first place, I would probably hate them.
If nobody cares, why are you writing about it?
I do not support terrorists.
I don't hate "God" or Jesus. That would be like hating Humpty-Dumpty. What's the use of hating fairy tale characters?
I've never killed a baby, except for the ones we BBQ at the Atheist Culture of Death Festivals.
I've never burned a flag... of any country.
And, to France and Canada I'd like to apologize. I know the Bush administration is packed with idiots and assholes. I did not vote for them.
And you wonder why you get so many terrible presidents?
Here's a hint: Nobody cares about your war supporting, freedom and tolerance hating, dissent killing, constitution burning, culture of paranoia.
Take your views to Iran or Saudi Arabia where they welcome conservitards. You are not wanted here.
Admittedly, I'm actually hoping to move to Canada in a few years; I disagree enough with the laws and politics of this country that I think I WOULD be more welcome there. That said, I'm finding this fellow's handle so VERY appropriate... he makes me want to take a brick and BAM! whack him upside the head with it a few times. It's obvious he's not actually USING his brain for anything, I'm sure he wouldn't mind me... reorganizing it... for him. >.<
"Nobody cares about your terrorist supporting, God and Jesus hating, baby killing, flag burning, culture of death."
As opposed to the culture of life responsible for raping and killing innocent Iraqi girls? The same one that OKs the torture of detainees and their children. That culture of life?
Fuck you asshole, we don't want your kind in Canada.
From Canada:
We took your United Empire Loyalists, your escaped slaves and your Vietnam era draft dodgers. Yes, there has been a long history of people with principles who needed to escape from the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave" into Canada.
McCulloch #59753
<< From Canada:
We took your United Empire Loyalists, your escaped slaves and your Vietnam era draft dodgers. Yes, there has been a long history of people with principles who needed to escape from the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave" into Canada. >>
Ouch. And Touche'.
~David D.G.
Republicans would vote for an empty tin can if it was put forth as a candidate. They tend to vote Republican no matter what instead of voting for the best man.
Whatever is your beef with Canada and France? I realize there are some dopey things that the French have done, but do most of the 'frog-bashers' even know why they hate them? Or are they doing it only because an equally ignorant person told them to?
I'm a stones throw from Canada and as such the folks a hundred miles into Canada aren't that different from the folks the same distance south of their border. It is a beautiful country with great folks, and yes, they have surpassed the U.S. in many ways. Since you, 'mr' bambrick seem to be the one seething with hatred, why don't YOU move?
Until this country becomes the Righteous Taliban of America, I'll stay right here, and there's nothing you can do about it, mr. thick-as-a-brick.
I would seriously consider moving to Canada, though; the people I met in Quebec and Vancouver were very polite and friendly. Returning to Washington, D.C. was like falling into a shark tank.
Does anyone really wonder why the Democrats lose elections?
Here's a hint: The Supreme Court elected Bush into office in 2000, rather than calling for a re-vote to correct voters' mistakes in Florida. In 2004, fraud swept through Ohio. Districts with minorities (who typically vote Democratic) didn't get enough voting machines. Some people waited for hours on line, only to be turned away by officials saying that the polls were closed. Names were dropped from the rolls, and laws calling for provisional ballots were ignored. Some ballots were modified; who would vote for Bush and for a pro-gay marriage liberal judge? A fake terrorist threat was mentioned to keep the media out of the vote-counting process. There was a massive discrepancy between the exit polls and the results. There were 4,000 Republican votes from a district with less than 1,000 voters.
Go to France or Canada if you want a real democracy!
<<< I once read that it was because democrats have the largest following but a low number who actually vote and the republicans having the small following who do vote. I don't know if this is still true because it was a few years ago. >>>
Wouldn't shock me. I swear, the less thought goes into a viewpoint, the more stubbornly it's held.
<<< Take your views to France or Canada where they welcome traitors to America. You are not wanted here. >>>
Nah, I've still got hope for this country. That and the fact that I'm sure as hell not leaving a few hundred nukes in the hands of an all-fundie nation if I can avoid it. But Canada and the UK are looking more attractive every day.
Traitor is a person, dear, who betrays somebody who has put its faith on. Since France and Canada are sovereign independent countries, they can do WHATEVER THEY WANT. They are not traitors.
Dammit, where's the america that pioneered the moon landing and the aeroplane? The smart america?
Gone the way of Baghdad, I guess. Swarmed by anti-intellectual hordes.
Stop giving the Western World such a bad rep.
In truth all American lost on the two 'elections' preceeding 2008
As for your comments on Canada and France,,,well,,,You're just really stupid.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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