Esther #fundie

Why should we want to know WHY they believe it? What if they have some good argument Im not smart enough to think up an argument against? It seems dangerous to listen to them.

Dont get me wrong I love this life and I think its a precious thing. Its the most precious gift God has given us. But who cares if science has made us live longer or made us more knowledgable. In the kingdom of heaven we will know all things and live forever. It seems like a total waste of time to focus on all the stuff we do in this world when we should be focusing on knowing God. Thats why we're here, not to know about history and learn math or know that the earth circles the sun. All that does is make the bible look wrong. Wouldnt we all be better off if we just accepted the answer to everything is that God did it so we can get back to living our lives for Him as He intended?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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