Why should we want to know WHY they believe it? What if they have some good argument Im not smart enough to think up an argument against? It seems dangerous to listen to them.
Dont get me wrong I love this life and I think its a precious thing. Its the most precious gift God has given us. But who cares if science has made us live longer or made us more knowledgable. In the kingdom of heaven we will know all things and live forever. It seems like a total waste of time to focus on all the stuff we do in this world when we should be focusing on knowing God. Thats why we're here, not to know about history and learn math or know that the earth circles the sun. All that does is make the bible look wrong. Wouldnt we all be better off if we just accepted the answer to everything is that God did it so we can get back to living our lives for Him as He intended?
I call Poe. But you never know...
Personally, I think God gaves our brains so that we can use them, but my opinion wouldn't matter; I'm moderate Christian, and even worse for them, a Catholic!
So... your argument... aganst arguing with athiests... is that your too stupid to argue? Well, at least your honest.
And your hatred of science comes from the fact that it proves the bible wrong? Yet you have accepted some scientific facts, ie sun is center? But you hate it?
"Wouldnt we all be better off if we just accepted the answer to everything is that God did it so we can get back to living our lives for Him as He intended?"
No, we wouldn't. We wouldn't have technology if we did that... like, say, the technology to get on the internet?
Thank you Redhunter. A new category in "Volunteer Retard"...?
According to the gnostic heresies, JC says we should develop our minds, souls, and spirits.
... we should be focusing on knowing God.
Focusing on knowing God didn't get us out of the caves, Esther. Human intelligence did it. Unaided!
So... we'd all be better off if we just abandoned science and most other learning and just devoted ourselves to religion, right?
It's been tried. It didn't work. Sorry to break it to you.
Why should I abandon all the knowledge that has served me so well in favour of some vague promise of pie-in-the-sky-when-you-die, made by a group of of people who are willfully ignorant about just about everything?
Drummond: Well, do ya think a sponge thinks?
Brady: If the Lord wishes a sponge to think, it thinks!
Drummond: Do you think a man should have the same privilege as a sponge?
Brady: Of course!
Drummond: This man wishes to be accorded the same privilege as a sponge! He wishes to think!!
It seems like a total waste of time to focus on all the stuff we do in this world when we should be focusing on knowing God.
Good. Then kill yourself so you don't waste time in this world AND you can know God better.
Thats why we're here, not to know about history and learn math or know that the earth circles the sun. All that does is make the bible look wrong.
That's why we are here, to ignore the bold faced proven tangible facts of everyday life. All that does is make the Bible look wrong. Ya think?
I call Poe.
Would you like a lobotomy with your willful ignorance? [/MacDonald's employee voice]
Ignorance is Strength Award seconded. (could also compete in the nutshell category, but we've already had quite a few candidates for that one this month)
Wouldnt we all be better off if we just accepted the answer to everything is that God did it so we can get back to living our lives for Him as He intended?"
Vaccination. Climate control. Antibiotics. Modern surgery. Chemotherapy. Anesthesia. Pasteurization. Refrigeration. Electricity. Plastics. Air/space travel. Computers. Satellite communication.
So no...no, not really.
I guess it’s hard to see the prison through the bars.
Sweetie, honey, babe. You just admitted that learning about stuff is proving the bible wrong. Now why would you continue to fall in line with a book that you KNOW to be wrong? Why are you content to believe without reason and continue to do so despite finding out it is wrong?
Dont get me wrong I love this life and I think its a precious thing. Its the most precious gift God has given us. But who cares if science has made us live longer or made us more knowledgable.
Do you know what it feels like to die young of bubonic plague, cholera or something similarly hideous at the end of a life of poverty and backbreaking manual labour? That's the life your god gave you. The reason you're not living it is thanks to science, not your precious book of stories.
The Esther you are named after risked her life for her people. She did not roll over and accept things, she fought in her own way to change things, and she did not stop just because someone might say no (or worse, order her death).
I would much rather follow her example than yours. You're kind of an insult to the one Bible character I ever liked.
I find it offensive to think that life here on Earth is just a waiting room for the sweet hereafter, personally. Jesus, people, you are given one crack at life, live like possibly, just possibly, you might be wrong, because if you die, and don't see the bright white light, that's really gonna suck.
I heard someone say...a gilded cage is a cage nevertheless.
A Poe refers to Poe's law, in which it most cases it's difficult to impossible to differentiate a parody from a real religious rant just due to how out there some people really can be.
"But who cares if science has made us live longer or made us more knowledgable. In the kingdom of heaven we will know all things and live forever."
Exactly, but don't expect the evolutionist and Church of Darwin to accept that. They want proof for everything, but they don't accept the Bible as proof.
I don't understand that, when asked for proof - God's perfect word isn't good enough but anything Darwin says is like gold.
> But who cares if science has made us live longer or made us more knowledgable.
Isn't this an argument which leads to slitting your own wrists? Because of course you wouldn't want to grow older or more knowledgeable, would you? And surely you'd want to encourage younger people to believe this and do this, to save themselves.
Fucking death cult.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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