Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg #conspiracy facebook.com
The Deep State is a Monster--revised
“Don’t Cross the Streams” MEANS, Don’t MIX EVIL WITH GOOD of Society.” It also means, We the Public refusing to participate in exploiting differences, DO CROSS EVIL’S STREAMS; but we’ll deal with that later.
911 was THE TAKEOVER of the USofA by Deep State-Zionist terrorism for the purpose of PROFITING THEMSELVES--nothing more, nothing less.
The World Trade Center’s owners—Zionists all of them—suffered deep vacancy factor losses over parking problems, environmental problems and staffing problems. It was going to cost somewhere between $1.5 and $4 billiion to remove all the asbestos insulation from inside its walls. So, the owners, Zionists aligned with Deep State Zionists and the NeoCon Projection For a New American Century—took it down.
This was Evil mixing with Governance. But there are other ways Evil mixes with Governance.
1. In Race Relations. When Law Enforcement reacts first to Racial Profiling, then to Situational Ethics, this is mixing Injustice with Law
2. In Ideological Disputes, when Ideology teaches, We’re BEST and everybody else needs to be subject to US, you have Ego mixing with Transactions.
When motivational psychology operates advertising and public forums so as to favor a single conventional line of thought—Consumingr over Thrift, Left over Right, Advertiser over Public, Secularist over Spiritist, Might over Reason, Dogma over Truth—then the Public become confused and they shut down knowing, in its entirety. The Public Mind gets stuck in stone-walling; and that stance also works for ideological domination because it immobilizes national Consensus so Ideologues do as they please.
3. In Information Technology versus Private Lives. When incorrect and stilted information is held by Government bureaucracies, then the Actions of Government are tilted toward Injustice. People red-listed without their knowledge or consent are stalked, kept from working, kept from doing business, kept from shelter and sanctity.
4. In Regional Disputes. Legislators who are paid off by corporations with deep pockets remove the function of “community CONSENT” from the decision-making process. This is how herbicides have invaded all our food because Monsanto paid off legislators; this is how contaminants invaded vaccines because Big Pharma gets more money off sick people than well people. This is how progress is halted, because IN SITU companies bribe legislators to cripple and penalize up-coming technologies that only benefit the public—not the Oligarchy.
Don't "MIX" HATING OTHERS with "Doing Good." it's just crossing streams. “Divide and Conquer,” the GAME ITSELF conquers communication. The Public is sick and tired of the Game itself, so they turn off and let Powers That Be run amok. This is why we call television, “Satan’s Window,” because IT IS THE PRIMARY TOOL OF DIVIDING US against each other. The Church, divides on belief, divides on behavior, divides on allowable tolerance, and divided again, on methods to correct matters. The louder the Church becomes, the less people can hear the “still small voice of God” and the Holy Spirit’s prompting.
Philosophical Ideology used to incite violence crosses the streams, Good with Evil. Any religion that teaches its supremacy is neither supreme nor moral, because the behavior of its adherents is full of the sins of hate, perfidy and abuse.
Operating a Slave Planet" (by commercial corporate statutes) by immobilizing and indenturing human lives is crossing-the-streams of Good with Evil. The FACT that the Legal Profession, the Law Profession, has aided and abetted the conversioni of Laws of the Land based on Justice INTO CORPORATE STATUTES based in Fairness only says, that profession is a mockery of Principle and Mercenary profiteering.
Especially, Law Treaties and Corporate Statutes that make people into consumable products (NAME IN ALL CAPS) must be abrogated and turned over to Honest Governance. Human slavery, sex trafficking, felons-trafficking, truants-trafficking, baby-adoption trafficking, body parts trafficking, souls’ trafficking [Satanistic ritualizing murder and cannibalism] are inimical to Life Sacred nature. Culture proclaims Free Minds, Open Hearts and Free Wills, and then commerce enslaves us all in Debt, in Paperwork, in Regulations and in Conflicts-not-our-own.
“Experimenting on the Living" is crossing the streams. Creating misery and suffering to push boundaries of intellectualism and elitism is a form of evil that has no justification. Nobody has voted to allow Coverment to experiment MEDICALLY or biochemically on human bodies and affect human lives. This is NOT-SEE-ISM at its worse, brought on by Operation Paperclip after WWII. It must be halted. Scientific knowledge is not furthered by human rights abuses and cruelty.
Leaders financing wars with USURY & DRUG SALES is crossing the streams of Good with Evil. George Herbert Walker Bush initiated CIA drug marketing in the 1950’s through Zapata Oil Company, and that branch of CIA operations has never been shut down. DEA is more a drug-controller-pusher than a method to halt drug- and gun-running.
When “Coverment” has taken over Evil and made it its “bidness,” then a Revolution and Restoration of Just Law is necessary. And when NEOCONS show up in the new Administration who are also Zionist and part of the Old PNAC Group, we the Public KNOW FOR A CERTAINTY, nothing has changed.
Using Government to Depopulate the Innocent is crossing the streams. Governance is set up to benefit, balance and socialize people—not kill them.