Clif High #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

The Contention against the ELohim, the space alien 'gods' of the jews, will begin on Earth, though it won't end here.

It will unfold as the building emotional tension reaches a peak. This will be actually 'triggered' by the EL-ites, the minions of the ELohim, instructing their military to put down popular uprising. The Contention will spark off with a combination of military refusal, and civilian actions. Some military will follow orders. It will not end well for them as the global, western, populace is not willing to be passively killed. Many, very intense, points of fighting will break out in several countries.
The rapid change of the EL-ite plans will arise because of the incoming reports of their various points of infrastructure being attacked with precision, and determination, and ingenuity. ELohim Worship cult centers will be assaulted. They will be infiltrated, videos made, drone attacks, videos made, assassinations, videos made, and it will become something of a daily popular quest, to find the new videos of the EL-ites. ELohim worship centers all around the planet will be occupied, and examined. Fights will break out between the human herd harvester ELohim worshipers, and the populace invading their ‘worship’ centers in search of proof of human harvest. .
Further exacerbating the woes of the EL-ites will be the "Sudden Death Syndrome" that sweeps through their ranks very rapidly once the contention escalates to kinetic activity. Not only is their confidence shaken as so many of them perish due to 'external causes', but, their ability to think descends to a generation of mid-wits who then start making lots of mistakes in both planning and the execution of those plans.
What is coming to You, the USA, the planet, and Humanity is NOT a War. In all of human history, Wars have been planned, instigated, controlled, and settled, by central bankers for their profit. Wars are a narradigm construct, not organic forms of contention.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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