How does gay marriage mean equal rights? They have equal rights already, they can marry a woman just like I did. That's equal. What they want is to force people to look at them and validate their lifestyle. What gay people need to do is make more babies than straight people, then they will be able to outvote straight people. I guess we would first need to pass a law legislating that men can get pregnant so that they will be equal to women.
They have equal rights already, they can marry a woman just like I did.
:D Yay! Oh, wait, I believe you forgot that gay women exist, rats. We'll get you started on colors, numbers, bisexuals, pansexuals, etc tomorrow.
Yeah, yeah, equal rights...someone cue that comic that says one size fits all, one religion fits all, etc.
That babies comment was quite possibly one of the stupidest things I have read this year, and that's after McCain's campaign.
Or how about we change the law so nobody can marry at all? Does that sound fair? But then I supposed you'd whine about how we were "forcing you to live in sin" or some such bullcrap.
And by denying homosexuals the right to get married, you deny them the slew of rights and benefits that come with. So no, it's not equal.
How does interracial marriage mean equal rights? They have equal rights already, they can marry a woman of their own color just like I did. That's equal. What they want is to force white people to look at them and validate their black lifestyle. What black people need to do is make more babies than white people, then they will be able to outvote white people. I guess we would later need to pass a law legislating that people can only marry those of the opposite gender, as that is what legalizing interracial marriage would lead to.
HoJuSimpson --- rats you beat me to it!!
Maybe lesbian marriage is OK?
Is it possible he's not so secure in his sexuality? Might he just not want the temptation.
Firstly you suck! There! I feel better for getting that matter cleared up.
What kind of shit brain are you? Can't your cerebral turds come to terms with the fact that gays want to relate to their own sex in a loving relationship that combines with civil rights automatically assumed by straights. Gays pay the same taxes and should have the same right.
Your logic about making more babies is cockeyed. Those babies would follow the average and be mostly straight when they mature. You are, it seems, thick as two short planks not to have realised this - or just too prejudiced, perhaps.
I'll ask again: Do you want that lucky straight woman married to a gay man to be your sister or your daughter?
And you don't have to look at us. In fact, I'd prefer you didn't.
@ Panz: They do, believe me.
This is a new type of crazy
"They have equal rights already, they can marry a woman just like I did"
yeah and I can say
"You have equal rights already, you can vote for the guy I vote for" and "You have equal rights already, you can worship god just like I do"
yep can feel the equality radiating from those statments
[How does gay marriage mean equal rights?]
It's a very simple concept. Do you really need me to explain it to you?
[They have equal rights already, they can marry a woman just like I did. That's equal.]
Did you choose to marry your wife, or was the selection dictated to you?
[What they want is to force people to look at them and validate their lifestyle.]
The same could be said for any group of people. What makes gays any different?
[What gay people need to do is make more babies than straight people, then they will be able to outvote straight people. I guess we would first need to pass a law legislating that men can get pregnant so that they will be equal to women.]
That's the most ignorant thing I've heard all day.
"How does gay marriage mean equal rights? They have equal rights already, they can marry a woman just like I did. That's equal."
Someone tell me which fundy pastor came up with this stupid line of reasoning so I can smack them good.
"What they want is to force people to look at them and validate their lifestyle."
Nooooo. They want, get this, equality . I know, scary thought, eh?
"What gay people need to do is make more babies than straight people, then they will be able to outvote straight people.
What they need is for ignorant bigots to leave them the fuck alone and for government to stay out of private matters such as marriage. No laws, rules or regulations are needed by any governing body, be it religious or secular.
I guess we would first need to pass a law legislating that men can get pregnant so that they will be equal to women.
You can't seriously think this is even close to being clever.
Freedom of religion means you can be a Muslim, just like everybody else can. Don't like it? Tough!
See how stupid that logic is?
Why does going to the same school mean equal rights? They can go to their black school just like my child goes to his white school. Separate and equal!
Yep, that's right. We've seen your logic before, Mister Sucks.
I was going to say, "If it's all equal anyway let's switch for a while and make it only legal to marry within your own gender and see how you like that" but then I realised a part of you would really really like that. A very small, scared and ashamed part buried beneath flabby rolls of protective hatred and self reassurance but a part nonetheless.
Yes, but women can't also marry women, so that's sexist.
"What they want is to force people to look at them and validate their lifestyle."
No, they want the tax breaks hetero couples are guaranteed.
They have equal rights already, they can marry a woman just like I did.
The women can't you stupid cunt.
Not the point, I know. But still.
"Where's the fetus going to gestate? Are you going to keep it in a box?"
Reg, Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
They have equal rights already, they can marry a woman just like I did.
I seriously doubt you're married.
Um, it's equal because they are allowed to marry a man like you are allowed to marry a woman. They are not interested in woman like you are, though. (This is why I think they should ban straight marriage, too, so the fundies can get a taste of how the gays are feeling.)
They have equal rights already, they can marry a woman just like I did. That's equal.
You have equal rights already, you can be a muslim like everyone else. That's equal.
What gay people need to do is make more babies than straight people, then they will be able to outvote straight people.
Because gay couples only have gay children, just like how straight couples only have straight children. Wait...
I guess we would first need to pass a law legislating that men can get pregnant so that they will be equal to women.
Besides the fact that this has nothing to do with homosexuality, a man's reproductive system makes it impossible for them to get pregnant.
Well, you ignore separation of church and state by working secular benefits into your religious ceremony, there are legal consequences.
The irony would be amusing if it wasn't causing so much unhappiness.
So, if there was a law against cake eating and you decided you wanted to eat a cake along with hundreds of thousands of other people who loved cake just as much as you- giving you the right to eat a cake is imposing your lifestyle on other people? Other people can choose not to eat cake can't they? They don't have to watch other people eat the cake? They aren't being forced to eat the cake?
I say we knock out all mention of marriage from the law: for all the benefits (inheritance, hospital visitation, etc etc etc.) you just designate someone (and change it anytime at your local county office or wherever).
Then marriage can be defined by each religion or any other kind of social ceremony you want (if you don't want to involve religion but still want to do the "announcing to society you're married").
Marriage rights that you have:
- You can marry someone of the opposite sex
- You can marry the person you love
Marriage rights of homosexuals:
- They can marry someone of the opposite sex
See the difference? Might have to look real close on this one.
It should be noted that the position on marriage taken by barackobamasucks is the same as that taken by...Barack Obama. The fundie troll here is actually less vicious than the arguments staked out by Obama's Justice Department -- nowhere here does the fundie troll claim that gay people are pedophiles, unlike Obama's JD.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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