Not one verse in the Bible says Jesus was Jewish(Hebrew, Greek, Latin, or modern English version). I will make 20 accounts and give you 20 stars if you can cite me one verse that would even indicate he was Jewish.
Jesus was talking to the Jews in John 8.
John 8:44
King James Version (KJV)
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Jesus was white by the way.
Jesus is a tall tale, like Hercules, or Siegfried. That said, the child at the root of the story had a Jewish mother, since she was subjected to Jewish law. If Yasif hadn't agreed to marry her, she probably would have been stoned to death for the crime of being raped into pregnancy. It's also possible that the whole, "child of god" thing meant that she was one of the rare cases that was declared blameless in her rape, and the elders married her off accordingly. If one's parents were willing and able to pay, it's possible the clerics would declare the child the will of god.
Reality is so much more mundane and sordid than angels and magic godspooge, isn't it?
What about the genealogies? What about the circumcision in the Temple?
What about "My house (the Temple) shall be a house of prayer..."
You are really showing up a lot of ignorance of your religion.
Not one verse in the Bible says Jesus was Jewish(Hebrew, Greek, Latin, or modern English version)
Hebrew, Greek, Latin, or modern English? As if they are all different? Or as if one can disprove another? Huh?
Let's break this down.
Hebrew = original of the OT. Right! Jesus isn't mentioned there anywhere.
Greek = original of the NT. Your bold statement makes it sound as if you've read it. I doubt that very much. I have. It's actually very easy Greek. Very basic. Comparing the Greek used in the NT to the Greek used by Xenophon (which again is much easier than, say, Homer) is like comparing Dick and Jane to Shakespeare. So, Jesus is mentioned there and it's quite certain that he was a Jew. Others have quoted a few definitive occurences.
Latin = translation. I suppose you mean the Vulgata. Very good translation in very easy Latin. For Jesus, just see the Greek original. I doubt very much that you have read it, despite your bold statement.
Modern English = translation. For Jesus, just see the Greek original. No difference.
I always thought Jesus was half Jewish, from Mary his mother, and half ectoplasmic, from Yahoo his father. Hence his piercing blue eyes and golden locks. It would also explain his affinity with equines, he was an ass man par excellence, and a sharp shooter to boot.
Not once did Jesus admit to liking Barbara Streisand's music or hating bacon. Therefore, he wasn't Jewish. (Except for that whole 'constantly talking about the god of the Jews and their prophets and their holy book and their values, laws and traditions', bit.)
PS No way this is a Poe. Just a racist moron.
Not one verse in the Bible says Jesus was Jewish
Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him [Jesus], How is it that thou, being a Jew , askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria?
However, for some reason, he was born in the very Jewish town of Bethlemen, whose parents were born, in turn, in the very jewish village of Nazareth, with disciples and apostles who had suspicious Jewish names, spoke the very local Jewish Aramaic language, went to synagoges, underwent circumcision, went to the Temple of Jerusalém, observed Passover......I bet that Benjamín Frankling never mentioned that he was Americano or Plato Athenian
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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