[Trying to justify God's genocidal Great Flood]
Since you seem to be unfamiliar with he details of the flood account while feeling qualified to delve on its contents let me elucidate you by informing you that the population involved is not described as being totally human. Now I'm assuming you didn't know this little relevant fact. However, if you did and are still defending that genetically contaminated population as worthy of living next to normal humans, then, it becomes a matter of your ethical principles versus God's. And if that is so-then I choose God's.
Look, I know 'elucidate' and 'delve' are big fancy words and you like the way they sound, but, really, you need to learn their definitions before you use them.
Besides that, I'm not sure what kind of freak nephilim or angel hybrids you think there were, but the Genesis narrative makes it very clear that there were very many normal humans (what the fuck does that mean anyway?) among the victims of the genocide.
You should stick with the fact that the nonexistence of any gods and the complete absence of a universal global flood during the career of the human species completely exonerate said nonexistent deities from any culpability in any genocide. So far only we humans have done that.
So... your god made a mistake? And then had to wipe it all out to start again? What happened to "very good"?
So much for him being infallible. Unless he made them like that on purpose, just so that he could wipe them all out.
That means your god is either incompetent... or a cunt. I'm not sure which is more frightening.
How exactly would angels pass on genetic information, let alone have sex with human women?
Since angels are spirits and all that, I don't think that they would have penises.
Now I know biblical literalism turns you into a loony.
He's right, ya know.
The Nephelim were a race of giants who absconded with human women and made cross-species babies with them.
Says so in Genesis 6.
(Where these giants CAME from, though, the Bible is silent on; they certainly weren't mentioned in the Creation accounts of Genesis 1 or 2.)
Holy crap...(do not invoke Godwin' law...do not invoke Godwin's law)...
How is it that you know that these humans were not human? Since we descend from one amongst their ranks. Do you mean to say that we evolved into a new species from Noah? Because if so, that is awesome.
What the hell??? "Genetically contaminated population?" Were they mutants or something?
"Now I'm assuming you didn't know this little relevant fact."
Good call, buster.
So if the flood was to wipe out the Nephelim, why couldn't he of come up with a disease to wipe them out? Why did he have to take out all but 8 human beings?
Or is he like a 5 year old who likes to set up his toys just to kick them over?
Actually, the mothology of that is right...
The crossbreed of the Nephilim and humasn was suposed to be the source of all evil.... or some shit like that...
then again that is mithology, not F***ING FACTS!!!!
Wait a minute, fundies claim that incest didn't matter with Adam and Eve's kids? What about Noah and his little inter-related clan that survived the flood? Everyone would be brothers, sisters, and first cousins!
I would refuse to worship such a God if he showed up at my front door.
Actually if he showed up at my front door I'd probably kick him in the nuts for being a cosmic asshole.
Fortunately the God I believe in is better than that :)
(hey we're not all atheists on this forum)
So there were giants in the bible. It's a fucking fantasy story ! It's an ancient Amazing Stories, or Lord of the Rings for shit's sake.
How can anyone take this serious? Would Christians like it if I enforced the Prime Directive on them ? Because in my opinion Star Trek is just as good a belief system as the bible. It's all MADE UP!!!
So why didn't God just kill the humans? Why did He have to kill the dogs, squirrels, turtles, etc. who had nothing to do with His beef?
I'll take my ethical principles over that cosmic monster's any day. At least I don't slaughter to gratify my ego.
Truthuser: Star Trek is a much better belief system. It doesn't condone atrocity, and it embraces differences. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, as the Vulcans say.
Well, no. Science isn't ethical principles. Science is based on factual evidence. There was never a world-wide flood, and you're a fool to try to justify a myth. That would be like me telling you just how the wolf could impersonate the grandmother of little red riding-hood.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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