itsnotaboutewe #transphobia

What If Gender Ideology Had Been Invented Earlier?
Those of us on this side of gender ideology see it for what it is - a cult that has captured society and is making fools of some of the most powerful people in the world. What's happening is like something out of a dystopian futuristic novel or a scary work of historical fiction. Imagine if this lunacy had actually happened earlier in history. What would have been the likely outcome?

If gender ideology had come along in the Middle Ages, would the priests of that time have embraced it, as some of our church leaders currently have? Would they have preached diversity and inclusion, and made special laws that put men in dresses into a slightly lower priestly class? Would they have decreed that anyone who speaks against the new religion should be cast out, punished, or even burnt at the stake? To prove that this new ideology was true, would the priests have forced the King to have all the female cattle, sheep, and pigs, killed in order to prove that mammals can indeed change sex? How would the resulting mass starvation have been recorded in the history books? Who would be blamed?

If gender ideology had come about in 1900, would there have been enough people identifying as men to send to war by 1914? Would the war have been lost by the Allies because of this? How would this terrible defeat be recorded and explained for future generations to learn from?

I keep mentally plopping this crazy ideology into different timelines and trying to figure out how history would have been changed by its presence. Not in any scenario does it improve life for those to come after. It always causes havoc and social upheaval.

How will our grandchildren view this time when they look back? Will it be decided that this was the worst case of mass hysteria in history, and blame technology, social media, and the weak minds of politicians? How will it be explained that a people who were so advanced that they sent probes to Mars also believed that people could change sex by just saying so?

The other side is always saying we are on the wrong side of history. I can't see a future to look back from if this cult does not implode soon.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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