Various Incels #racist #sexist #transphobia
JFL My oneitis looks like a tranny now
Just checked her display pic and she legit looks like she's trannymaxxing. Cope or not, the wall is a thing. Lot of foids lose their feminine looks in their late twenties/early thirties. Maybe the mgtow brahs got this one right.
Men can actually increase their psl in their 30s as long as they stay fit and there are no signs of balding
Its the opposite for foids.
Is she white? White people look great even until 40 from what I've seen. Sandnigger girls start getting ugly at 25. At 30+ they're all masculine landwhales you can hardly look at without throwing up.
Not white. Shes curry.
Not oneitis but over my school career there was a female who was probs the prettiest ive ever seen objectively (perfect genetics, with the only problem being she was neither blonde hair nor blue eyed) and by the end of it she had cut off all her hair, dyed her hair this weird turquoise cyan color, gained a shit ton of weight, got nose and lip piercings +tattoos and didn't fucking shave her arms.
(Transcended Trucel)
brutal. in a sane society would have never happened