But seriously. Poland is one of the reasons why I say that the left never ever will win.
You're wrong. The Left will win. Give it time....
The Far-Right has been beginning to falter in Britain and a few other Western European countries.
Read up on the stuff in The USA: A number of Progressives have been winning elections in several states and Unite The Right 2.0 was a hilarious flop.
Signapore, Hungary, Thailand, etc. are not societies that ever historically embraced Progressivism (Same with Russia and Eastern Europe) so them being the future of the world is wrong.
Putin or no Putin; It appears the majority of Poles, Hungarians, etc. are bigoted bozos who cling to outdated mores and the Progressive ones are either the Minority or they "Got the hell outta dodge".
Putin only has power if we let him have it. Don't play his game, embrace his propaganda or embrace bigotry and he can't do squat!
The best we can do is teach others to not give in to fear and bigotry and create an immigrant exchange program where Progressive countries can accept the Progressive minority from Regressive countries.
As much as this disheartens me concerning Poland, it appears the majority of Poles are reactionaries. Keep in mind that they were ruled by the Soviet Union in the past so....in their minds....Left-Wing = Communism and Communism = Bad. They also have a history of fighting the Ottomans centuries ago....they see Islam in the same light as Communism. That's why Eastern Europe has a hard time becoming or staying Progressive.
Same with Asia; These are societies where stuff like Democracy and Unalienable Human Rights have for centuries been alien concepts. Until even recently; They have been ruled by Emperors. This is probably why the Democracy Movement in China fizzled after the Tiannemenn Square massacre (rather that emboldened or regrouping like one would assume). They just quickly gave up and figured there was no sense in fighting for some "weird western foreign concept" they never had any personal experience with.
They'll wake up eventually; Even the West was just like the East at one time....ruled by Kings, Emperors and Religious institutions and didn't give a damn about human rights.
Some countries just have to learn the hard way. After Poland sees their country utterly trashed, some might realize "Hey; This equality thing might not be so bad after all".
Finally; If a majority wants to live stupidly and accept stupid worldviews and vote for stupidity....that's still Democracy.
Remember; Putin only has power if we let him. If we are savvy about propaganda and reject bigotry, he's weak.
In the West; There's a SIZEABLE amount of people who know better. There may be some embracing wingnuttery but most still find fascism stupid.
And there's definitely a big Resistance in the USA against Chump and Co. and Robert Mueller's has been digging up some dirt. Democrats have been winning some special elections and the demographics reflect a future Left-Ward change.