[Examples of Christian Persecution]
-The book of daniel- a completely bogus nbc show that tried to make fun of christians
-the movie "the life of brian"
-in kentucky someone said that it was the Catholic Churchs' fault that abortion was being fought and that they pressured people into decisions that were unfair to the woman pregnant
-on an episode of "family guy" the dog said "i have been trying to keep these people from having sex all night, now i know how the Catholic Church feels"
-Jesus is made fun of on late night shows and i have seen this so dont tell me it doesnt happen
-many more
Oh God no, Jesus is made fun of on Late Night Shows, and an episode of Family Guy(!)? Obviously, its Christian persecution.
That's persecution? If you want persecution, try living day to day being afraid that someone would find out you were a christian.
Try being denied a job, or a house, or an adoption because you're a christian.
Then, I'd believe Christians were persecuted.
Those are horrible examples. Try the earliests members being nailed to crosses, hanged, or bludgeoned to death. Other than that, I can't think of any.
to be fair to Christians who claim persecution, but not to Joey:
As well as christ being nailed, he should have talked about Roman emperors feeding christians to lions, hindus in India attacking Christians, a couple centuries of Chinese Governmental persecution of Christians, christianity being outlawed in Soviet Era Russia, and most recently, extremist Muslims beheading Christians and burning down churches. Joey's examples are uber-lightweight.
It's not persecution, it's ridicule. You religion puts forth as facts:
Talking snakes, donkeys and burning bushes.
A giant, flying roll that burn the houses of thieves.
A wooden boat with but one small window preserving all animal "kinds" on earth for a year.
A lake of fire where most of the people on earth will spend eternity.
Resurrection of the dead.
Persons ascending into the sky.
Virgin birth.
A star leading the magi to Jesus.
Etc., etc., etc.
What do you expect with such twaddle?
Wow, its all fun and games until you end up persecuting the christian minority...
How the hell is that persecution, are these things that make Joey fear for his life, stop him from having his freedoms? no? Then shut up Joey or I'll feed you to a lion.
Remember: If you don't agree with the Christians, you're persecuting them. If you use your right to free speech against them, you're persecuting them. If you're born different from them and want to be able to live without persecution, well ha, because YOU are persecuting THEM by wanting equal rights. Makes me wonder what would happen if Joey were in, say, Afghanistan, where Christians actually ARE persecuted.
Let's face it. Christians believe unrealistic myths are true, and claim "persecution" whenever they're ridiculed for it. I mean, coming back from the dead? Yikes. Admittedly, the "ascending into the sky" part isn't unrealistic; I've done it myself on Air India. I didn't leave the sky until I was in Paris!
- The life of Brian didn't ridicule christians. I can't remember Brian claiming to be the messiah. It made fun of people who follow people without thinking.
- Maybe it is partly the fault of the catholic church. Just as the catholic church has a hand in preventing condoms from being used in Africa.
- Oh no. Family Guy. Let's wait untill he starts talking about how evil South Park is. Don't they ridicule everything?
So? Jesus is made fun of. Lot's of people are teased/bullied in school. Are they being prosecuted?
- "Many more", I've got the feeling that this doesn't include: lions, beheading, censorship, prohibiting worship, crusifixion, burning of all bibles and churches, an inquisition against the christians and "many more".
mad dog -- Don't forget Christians being killed and Christianity being outlawed in sixteenth-century Japan.
Also, Joey, I was under the impression that Book Of Daniel portrayed Christians as they are: actual human beings, with all of the warts and blemishes that being human entails. Christians are not perfect, sorry. I know it hurts to have your bubble shattered like that, Joey, but it's true.
Okay, Joey, I'll make you a deal. I'll buy you a plane ticket to Iran, and then we'll talk about persecution after a few weeks. If you're lucky, I'll even pay for the return flight.
So the only examples of Christians being persecuted you can come up with are a cancelled second-rate TV show, a 30 year old British movie, a second-hand, unconfirmed report of something "someone" said in Kentucky about the Catholic church, a single joke on "Family Guy," and a collection of late-night TV jokes?
That's it?
Dude...that's pathetic.
Dear lord. It makes the inquisition, the crusades, the homophobia, the relgious intolerance, and the brainwashing seem trivial by comparison doesn't it?
I'm sure the jews would be horrified the awful ordeals christianity has to endure.
@mad dog
Christianity wasn't outlawed in the soviet era.
There was definitly pressure on the church, but never an actual ban.
But for guys like the OP the orthodox churches and catholicism are considered christian only when it is about persecution or which religion is the biggest anyways - in every other context they are idol worshipping heretics or something.
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