various commenters #wingnut #transphobia

( @WallStreetSilverOfficial )
get rekt

spoilerBREAKING: As the new Twitter Blue is
rolling out, some users are upset
When selecting your "sex" option in
the profile it only has "male, female, &
If a user selects "other
mental help" pop-up box appears &
the app makes them "auto-follow"

( @CoffeeObsessed )
@WallStreetSilverOfficial Well, I kind of doubt it’s true because Elon has a trans kid. But I’ve never been on Twitter.

( @jimdingo )

( @goneflat )
@WallStreetSilverOfficial I don't care what anyone else thinks - I grew up on a farm, and there were 'bulls and cows' (steers if the bulls were neutered, but they still weren't 'cows') and 'roosters and hens' and 'stallions and mares'... 'men and women', 'girls and boys'. It all worked out fine. Luckily we knew which was which and didn't try milking the bull.

( @Free_Talk )
@WallStreetSilverOfficial God made Man, then he made Woman. Those claiming to be something they are not, are victims of evil, they allowed evil into their lives and now they are guided by evil, how else could they be so blind to the truth, and so convinced they are what they are not.

( @orynx )
@WallStreetSilverOfficial Well, at least they are being honest about that. There ARE only two sexes. Anything else is just mental illness.



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