Panel 1: Slick is in front of a Roman arch of triumph on which is engraved the logo of X
Panel 2: Depicts a statue of Elon Musk doing a Roman salute and clad in a Roman armor on which is engraved X
Panel 3: Slick is walking right behing a croowd of NPC wearing MAGA red hats
Panel 4: a naked woman is under three X
Panel 5: Slick sees Cletus making a speech
Panel 6: Cletus makes a speech attacking the Jews, immigrants and LGBT
Panel 7: right near him, a black truck is appearing
Panel 8: two Shibas dressed as SWAT officers are leaving the truck
Panel 9: one of the Shibas grabs Cletus
Panel 10: the two Shibas are dragging Cletus into the truck
Panel 11: the truck closes its doors on which is written “Z.O.G.E.”
Panel 12: the truck is departing in front of Slick, the MAGA NPC and the Elon Musk statue
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