Linda Rivera #conspiracy
I’m very sad to say that HM pro-Islam, pro-Sharia, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, anti-God British government is determined to utterly DESTROY the legitimate, patriotic, political party, Britain First. Not only have they imprisoned Britain First leaders, Jayda and Paul, for many months for protesting Muslim gang rapes, tortures and sexual enslavement of Britain’s little non-Muslim white girls, but their Facebook page has been almost wiped out. It now shows only 9 likes. I was able to make two comments and the comments after that wouldn’t go through.
All their articles are gone. BF updated their website address. When you click on it, you can’t get it. This is EXTREMELY HEARTBREAKING. What is wrong with the indigenous British people? Why must they be so passive? They’re so indoctrinated. I’m native English. The entire nation of native Brits should be taking to the streets in MASSIVE daily protests. Egypt’s Muslims took to the streets in the mega millions to protest the takeover of their country by the Muslim Brotherhood. The protesters WON.
I know someone in Britain who knows about the extreme danger of Islam. Her daughter who is about 40 yrs-old says her mum is a crackpot!!! She has been successfully brainwashed. She, and mega millions like her, have no idea of the horrors that lie ahead. How can anyone from other countries help Britain, when native Brits won’t help themselves? Please God, Get Jayda and Paul free and help Britain First! Thank You, God! Amen.
I clicked on Britain First FB page right now. It says, “This page isn’t available”. So SAD. George Washington warned: “”If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” Is the British Government preparing gulags for non-Muslims?