I use God's word. You use logic. Two different things.
If you turn that around on a bumper sticker;
I use logic.
You use God's word.
Two different things.
Expect to get your car keyed in the Wal*Mart parking lot.
And who, besides Ken Ham, calls the bible God's word?
And logic came up with Facebook, and the internet that allows you to access it. What social media has God's word produced?
Sermons, confessions and those guys on the street corner shouting about God's judgment and the toothpaste/airline conspiracy.
God gave us brains and the ability to use reason & logic.
How'ya like them apples?
Ya know, guys? I'm just going to jot down "That's the beauty of Heaven, we can leave our brains behind!" every time a quote extolling idiocy from a frum pops up.
Well, yeah, exactly. That's the entire problem, genius.
It's both hilarious and sad that, even whey they outright admit their own problem, they're still too stupid to realize it.
Ergo, God's (alleged) word is illogical.
Ergo, there can be no logical reason to use or follow God's word.
Ergo, "faith", as used in the religious context is illogical.
Ergo, "faith" must be based on emotions such as fear and greed, and the manipulation thereof.
Is there any observation to be made that would directly contradict the above? Lacking those, we have arrived at a valid working theory of religion.
By golly, you're right! I do use logic!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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