Dr. Michael Salla/Elena Danaan #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org

According to Elena Danaan, a former professional French archeologist who claims to be a contactee with the ‘Galactic Federation of Worlds’, an exodus of a German 4th Reich controlled “Dark Fleet” is currently underway that is creating a power vacuum that different nations are trying to fill by building bases in Antarctica. Her information comes from an extraterrestrial from the Taygeta star system in the Pleiades she identifies as ‘Thor Han’, and a current resident at the US McMurdo base who goes by the name ‘Frank’, and whose last name I will keep private.
What immediately got Frank’s attention was that a significant number of the personnel leaving Antarctica were German-speaking and they were bound for South America—Argentina in particular. This struck Frank as highly unusual given what Elena and others had said about a German-controlled Dark Fleet in Antarctica that was in an escalating military conflict with an ‘Earth Alliance’ and the Galactic Federation.
The sudden influx of personal and resources into Antarctica during the start of the winter months does point to the different countries trying to fill a newly created power vacuum. It would make sense that the 4th Reich is turning over its Dark Fleet assets in Antarctica to countries that are most sympathetic to its political agenda and activities: China, Turkey, and countries from South America and Africa would be suitable candidates.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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